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Iron horseplay<br />

It seems unlikely that a game created by Persian tribesmen in the sixth century BC and christened “the sport of kings” was ever intended to be played like<br />

this. Motorised polo is a fast-paced, frenetic evolution of polo, where instead of riding on horses, players tear around a playing field on 125cc motorbikes.<br />

While travelling on a motorbike taxi in Kigali four years ago, two Americans, Sam Dargan and Matt Smith, had an idea for a very African twist on the<br />

traditional sport of polo. Rwanda has few horses but plenty of motorcycles, and spurred on by the discovery that auto polo (polo with cars) was a popular<br />

pastime in early 20th-century America, the duo set the wheels in motion and created their first moto polo match.<br />

The rules are scant. Each team has five players (not the usual four) and the game is played over 15-minute quarters. Locals drive the bikes (and are paid<br />

€16 an hour for their skills) and the players – usually expats – sit on the back swinging the mallet. But instead of the traditional stomping of the divots<br />

between play, spectators and players take a break from the action by swigging beer.<br />

brussels airlines b.spirit! magazine jul-aug <br />

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