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placebo 125218853 placebo n; inert medical compound ng µ nt -/-; µ nt -/-; µ nt-/-i placebo m; medicamento fittizio md Placebo nt; Plazebo nt; Scheinmedikament nt;Leermedikament nt18854 placenta TA; afterbirth ng m -; nt -i placenta f; seconda fd Plazenta f; Mutterkuchen m; Nachgeburt f* placentagonadotropin n 476118855 placental adj; placentar adjg adj -,-; adj-,-i placentale adj; placentare adjd plazental adj; plazentar adj; Plazenta-18856 placental abruption n; placentaldetachment n; placenta separation n;abruption of placenta n; mazolysis ng f -; f -i distacco placentare m; distacco della placentamd Abruprio placentae f; Plazentalösung f;Plazentaablösung f* placental detachment n 18856* placental growth hormone n 1092618857 placental hemorrhage ng µ f -i emorragia placentare fd plazentare Blutung f; Plazentablutung fg µ m -i placenta previa fd Placenta praevia f; Plazentavorlagerung f* placentals npl 8331* placenta previa n 18860* placentar adj 18855* placenta separation n 1885618861 placentation ng f -; f-i placentazione fd Plazentation f; Plazentabildung f18862 placentography ng f -i placentografia fd Plazentographie f18863 placentoid adjg adj -,-i placentoide adjd plazentaförmig adj18864 placentophagy n; placentotrophy ng f -i placentotrofia fd Plazentophagie f* placentotrophy n 1886418865 placid adjg µ adj -,-; adj -,-; adj -,-; adj -,-i placido adj; calmo adj; sereno adjd ruhid adj; friedlich adj; gelassen adj* Placentalia npl 833118858 placental infarction ng µ f -i infarto placentare md Plazentarinfarkt m18859 placental insufficiency ng f -i insufficienza placentare fd Plazentainsuffizienz f* placental lactogen n 4762* placental plasmodium n 2493518860 placental presentation n; placenta previa n18866 placidity ng f -; f -; µ f -i placidità f; calma f; serenità fd Ruhe f; Gelassenheit f* Placido da Costa disk n 12790* Placido disk n 1279018867 placode ng nt -i placode md Plakode f* Placodermi npl 1886818868 placoderms npl; Placodermi npl

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