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1401 relict animalg f -; f -; f -i recidiva f; ricaduta fd Rückfall m; Relaps m21151 relapsing adjg adj -,-i recidivante adjd rezidivierend adj* relapsing febrile nodular nonsuppurativepanniculitis n 2728021152 relapsing fever n; recurrent fever n;spirillum fever ng m -i febbre ricorrente f; febbre spirillare fd Rückfallfieber nt; Rekurrensfieber nt; Febrisrecurrens f21153 relation ng f -; f -i relazione f; rapporto md Relation f; Verwandschaft f21154 relative density ng f -i densità relativa fd relative Dichte f21155 relative fitness n; darwinian fitness ng µ f -; µ f -i fitness relativa f; fitness darwiniana fd relative Fitness f; Darwin-Fitness f21160 relaxation period ng f -; f -i periodo di rilasciamento md Entspannungsphase f21161 relaxed molecule ng µ nt -i molecola rilassata fd entspanntes Molekül nt21162 relaxed mutant ng µµ nt -µi mutante rilassato md relaxierte Mutante f21163 relaxed replication control ng m -i controllo rilassato della replicazione md relaxierte Replikationskontrolle f21164 relaxin ng f -i relassina fd Relaxin nt21165 release factor n; R factor n; RFg m -; m -; R m -i fattore di rilascio m; fattore R m; RFd Freisetzungsfaktor m; Releasingfaktor m; R-Faktor m; RF* releasing factor n 21166; 25310* relative immunity n 1974621156 relative refractory period ng f -i periodo refrattario relativo md relative Refraktärphase f21157 relativity ng f -i relatività fd Relativität f21158 relaxase ng f -i rilassasi fd Relaxase f21159 relaxation ng f -; f -i rilassamento md Relaxation f21166 releasing hormone n; releasing factor n;RHg µ f -; m -; m -i ormone liberatore m; ormone di liberazionem; fattore di rilascio m; RHd Freisetzungshormon nt; Releasinghormon nt;Freisetzungsfaktor m; RH21167 reliability coefficient ng m -i coefficiente di attentibilità md Zuverlässigkeitskoeffizient m21168 relict ng µ nt -; µµ nt -µµi relitto md Relikt nt21169 relict animal ng µµ nt -i animale relitto m

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