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eustachian muscle 534* eustachian muscle n 25268* eustachian salpingitis n 25010* Eustachian tube n 2502* Eustachian valve n 267738330 euthanasia ng f -i eutanasia fd Euthanasie f* Eutheria npl 83318331 eutherians npl; Eutheria npl; placentalsnpl; Placentalia nplg ntpl -; ntpl -i Euteri mpl; Placentali mpl; Placentati mpld Plazentatiere ntpl8332 euthyroid adjg adj -,-i eutiroideo adjd euthyreot adj; Euthyreose-8333 eutrophic adjg adj -,-i eutrofico adjd eutroph adj; eutrophisch adj; nährstoffreichadj8334 eutrophication ng µ m -i eutroficazione f; eutrofizzazione fd Eutrophierung f* eV 76288335 evacuant adjg adj -,-i evacuativo adjd entleerend adj* evacuant adj 4146* evacuant n 205498336 evacuation ng f -; µ nt -µi evacuazione fd Entleerung f; Evakuierung f8337 evagination ng µ m -; f -i evaginazione fd Evagination f8338 evaporate vbg µ vb µ,-µ; µµvb µ,-µ; µ vbµ,-µi evaporare vb; volatilizzarsi vbd evaporieren vb; verdampfen vb; verdunstenvb8339 evaporation ng µ f -; f -i evaporazione fd Evaporation f; Verdampfung f; Verdunstung f8340 evaporative cooling ng µ µ f -i raffreddamento per evaporazione md Verdunstungskühlung f8341 evapotranspiration ng µ f -; µ i evapotraspirazione fd Evapotranspiration f* even-toed ungulates npl 22658342 eventration n; evisceration n; evisceratio ng f -i eventrazione f; eviscerazione fd Eventration f; Eviszeration f; Evisceratio f* evergreen adj 116758343 eversion ng f -; f -i rovesciamento fd Eversion f; Umstülpung f* evisceratio n 83428344 evisceration n; exenteration ng f -; f -i eviscerazione f; exenterazione fd Eviszeration f; Exenteration f* evisceration n 83428345 evocation ng f -; f -i evocazione f; induzione fd Evokation f8346 evocator ng µ m -i evocatore md Evokator m8347 evoked potential n

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