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deep circumflex iliac vein 416Hüftkranzarterie f6464 deep circumflex iliac vein n; venacircumflexa ilium profunda TA; venacircumflexa iliaca profunda ng µ f-i vena circonflessa iliaca profonda fd Vena circumflexa ilium profunda f* deep cortex n 25616* deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament n 6489femoris TA; deep artery of thigh n;profunda femoris artery ng µ f -i arteria profonda del femore fd Arteria profunda femoris f; tiefeOberschenkelarterie f6471 deep femoral vein n; vena profundafemoris TA; deep vein of thigh n; profundafemoris vein ng µ f -i vena profonda del femore fd Vena profunda femoris f; tiefeOberschenkelvene f6465 deep dorsal vein of clitoris n; vena dorsalisprofunda clitoridis TA; vena dorsalisclitoridis profunda TAg f -i vena dorsale profonda del clitoride fd Vena dorsalis profunda clitoridis f6466 deep dorsal vein of penis n; vena dorsalisprofunda penis TA; vena dorsalis penisprofunda ng f -i vena dorsale profonda del pene fd Vena dorsalis profunda penis f; tiefePenisrückenvene f6467 deep etching ng f -i etching profondo m; incisione profonda fd Tiefanätzung f6468 deep facial vein n; vena profunda faciei TA;vena profunda facialis TA; vena facieiprofunda TAg f -i vena facciale profonda fd Vena profunda faciei f; tiefe Gesichtsvene f* deep fascia of arm n 3447* deep fascia of forearm n 15776469 deep fascia of penis n; fascia penisprofunda TA; deep penile fascia n; Buckfascia ng f -; Buck f -i fascia profonda del pene f; fascia di Buck fd Fascia penis profunda f; tiefe Penisfaszie f;Buck-Faszie f* deep fascia of thigh n 35276470 deep femoral artery n; arteria profunda* deep fibular nerve n 64846472 deep flexor muscle of fingers n; musculusflexor digitorum profundus TA; flexordigitorum profundus n; musculus flexorprofundus ng µ µ mµi muscolo flessore profondo delle dita md Musculus flexor digitorum profundus m;tiefer Fingerbeuger m6473 deep folliculitis ng f -i follicolite profonda fd Folliculitis profunda f6474 deep-freeze vb; quick-freeze vbg vb ,-µ; vb ,-µi surgelare vbd tiefgefrieren vb; tiefkühlen vb6475 deep-freezing ng f -; f -i surgelamento m; surgelazione fd Einfrieren nt; Tiefkühlung f6476 deep infrapatellar bursa n; bursainfrapatellaris profunda TA; infragenualbursa ng m-/-i borsa sottopatellare profonda f; borsainfrapatellare profonda f; borsa infragenuale fd Bursa infrapatellaris profunda f6477 deep inguinal ring n; anulus inguinalisprofundus TA; deep abdominal ring n;anulus inguinalis abdominis n; anulusabdominalis abdominis n; internalabdominal ring n; internal inguinal ring ng m -;

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