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669 hagfishesH* H 10710; 10712; 11022; 11184* H 0 16512* H 2 O 2 11030* HA 10974* Haab-Dimmer dystrophy n 13193* habitude n 1018410189 habitus ng µ f -; nt -i abito m; habitus md Habitus m* HACBP 3779* hadal n 1019110190 hadal adjg adj -,-i adale adjd hadisch adj10182 habenular commissure n; commissurahabenularum TAg µ m -/-µi commessura abenulare fd Commissura habenularum f10183 habenular trigone n; trigonum habenulareTA; trigonum habenulae n; trigone ofhabenula ng nt -i trigono dell'abenula md Trigonum habenulare nt10184 habit n; habitude ng f -; f -i abito m; abitudine fd Gewohnheit f10185 habitat ng µ nt -µ; f-i habitat md Habitat nt; Lebensbereich m; Lebensort m;Standort m10186 habitual adjg adj -,; adj -,-i abituale adjd habituell adj10187 habitual abortion n; recurrent abortion ng µµ f -; f -i aborto abituale m; aborto ricorrente md habituelle Fehlgeburt f; habitueller Abort m10188 habituation ng µ f -; f -i abituazione fd Habituation f; Gewöhnung f;Gewöhnungslernen nt10191 hadal zone n; hadal ng f -i zona adale fd Hadal nt; hadische Zone f10192 hadopelagic zone ng f -i zona adopelagica fd Hadopelagial nt; Tiefseegrabenbereich m* HAE 10536* haem n 10402* haemagglutination n 10372* haemagglutinin n 10373* haematin n 10383* haematoxylin n 10399* haemispherium n 10430* haemochromatosis n 10436* haemoglobin n 10443* haemolysin n 10452* haemosiderin n 10471* haemosiderosis n 1047210193 hafnium n; Hfg nt -; Hfi afnio m; Hfd Hafnium nt; Hf* Hageman factor n 857110194 hagfishes npl; Myxinida npl; Myxiniformes

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