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catarrh 2684124 catarrh ng f -i catarro md Katarrh m; Katarr m4125 catarrhal adjg adj -,-i catarrale adjd katarrhal adj; katarrhalisch adj* catarrhal otitis media n 223094135 catecholamine ng µ f -i catecolamina f; catecolammina fd Catecholamin nt; Katecholamin nt4136 catecholamine hormone ng µ µ f -i ormone catecolaminico md Catecholaminhormon nt;Katecholaminhormon nt4126 catastaltic ng nt -i catastaltico md Inhibitor m; hemmendes Agens nt4127 catastaltic adjg adj -,-i catastaltico adjd katastaltisch adj; hemmend adj4128 catastrophic species selection ng f -i selezione catastrofica delle specie fd Katastrophenartenselektion f4129 catatonia ng f -i catatonia fd Katatonie f4130 catatonic adjg adj -,-i catatonico adjd kataton adj; katatonisch adj4131 catatonic schizophrenia ng f -i schizofrenia catatonica fd katatone Schizophrenie f* CAT box n 36764132 catechin ng f -i catechina fd Catechin nt; Katechin nt4133 catechinic acid ng nt -i acido catechinico md Catechinsäure f; Katechinsäure f4134 catechol ng f -i catecolo md Catechol nt; Katechol nt4137 catechol-O-methyltransferase ng -O-µ f -i catecol-O-metiltransferasi fd Catechol-O-methyltransferase f4138 catechol oxidase n; phenolase ng f -i catecolossidasi fd Catecholoxidase f; Katecholoxidase f4139 catechu ng nt invi catecù md Catechu nt; Katechu nt4140 catenane ng nt -i catenane md Catenan nt4141 catenated adjg adj -,-i concatenato adjd verkettet adj4142 catenation ng f -; µ f -i catenazione fd Catenanbildung f; Kettenbildung f4143 catenin ng f -i catenina fd Catenin nt4144 catgut n; catgut suture n; surgical gut ng µ µµ nt -; f-i catgut m; filo riassorbibile md Katgut nt; Catgut nt; Darmsaite f* catgut suture n 41444145 catharsis n; psychocatharsis ng f -; f -i catarsi f; psicocatarsi f

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