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127 appendiculard Apoptose f; programmierter Zelltod m* apoptosis inhibitor n 119282033 apoptotic adjg adj -,-i apoptotico adjd apoptotisch adj* apparatus digestorius n 6933* apparatus lacrimalis TA 12923* apparatus respiratorius TA 21333* apparatus urogenitalis n 266842034 apoptotic body ng µ nt -i corpo apoptotico md Apoptosekörper m; apoptotisches Körperchennt2035 apoptotic death ng m -i morte apoptotica fd apoptotischer Tod m2036 apoptotic signal ng µ nt -i segnale apoptotico md apoptotisches Signal nt2037 apopyle ng f -i apopilo md Apopyle f2038 aporepressor n; derepressor ng m -i aporepressore md Aporepressor m2039 aporogamy ng µ f -i aporogamia fd Aporogamie f* aposematic behavior n 27236* aposematic coloration n 272372040 apospory ng f -i aposporia fd Aposporie f2041 apothecium ng nt -i apotecio md Apothecium nt; Apothezium nt2042 apotransferrin ng f -i apotransferrina fd Apotransferrin nt2043 appease vbg µ vb µ,-µ; vb ,-µi calmare vb; pacificare vb; placare vbd besänftigen vb; beschwichtigen vb; versöhnenvb2044 appeasement behavior ng µ µ f -i comportamento di pacificazione md Beschwichtigungsverhalten nt* appendage n 2051* appendage of embryo n 2045* appendage of epididymis n 20522045 appendage of fetus n; appendage ofembryo ng µ µ nt -µi annesso fetale md Keimanhang m2046 appendectomy n; appendicectomy ng µ f -i appendicectomia fd Appendektomie f; Blinddarmoperation f* appendicectomy n 2046* appendices adiposae coli TA 16785* appendices epiploicae TA 16785* appendices omentales TA 167852047 appendicitis n; inflammation of theappendix ng f -; µ f -i appendicite f; infiammazione dell'appendicevermiforme fd Appendizitis f; Wurmfortsatzentzündung f;Blinddarmentzündung f2048 appendicular adjg adj -,-i appendicolare adj

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