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615 garden* ganglion sensorium nervi spinalis TA 23390* ganglion sensorium nervi spinalis II TA 22286* ganglion spinale TA 23390* ganglion spirale cochleae TA 5211* gangrenous emphysema n 94409428 gangrenous erysipelas n; necrotizingerysipelas n; necrotizing cellulitis n;necrotizing fasciitis ng m -; m -i erisipela gangrenosa f; erisipela necrotizzantef; fascite necrotizzante fd Erysipelas gangraenosum nt* ganglion splanchnicum n 23457* ganglion stellatum TA 23746* ganglion submandibulare TA 24238* ganglion superius TA 24517* ganglion thoracicum splanchnicum TA 23457* ganglion trigeminale TA 26140* ganglion trunci sympathici TA 9422* ganglion vestibulare TA 27025* gangliosialidosis n 94249423 ganglioside ng m -i ganglioside md Gangliosid nt* ganglioside lipidosis n 94249424 gangliosidosis n; ganglioside lipidosis n;gangliosialidosis ng f -i gangliosidosi fd Gangliosidose f9425 gangrene ng f -i gangrena fd Gangrän f; Gangraena f; Brand m9426 gangrenous adjg adj -,-i gangrenoso adjd gangränös adj; gangraenosus adj; Gangrän-9427 gangrenous appendicitis ng f -i appendicite gangrenosa fd gangränöse Appendizitis f* gangrenous pyoderma n 20617* gangrenous stomatitis n 16299* ganoblast n 5429429 ganoid scale ng nt -i scaglia ganoide f; squama ganoide fd Ganoidschuppe f; Schmelzschuppe f9430 Ganser syndrome n; nonsense syndrome n;acute hallucinatory mania ng µ Ganser nt -µ; µ µnt -µ; µ f -i sindrome di Ganser f; sindrome del nonsensof; mania allucinatoria acuta fd Ganser-Syndrom nt; Pseudodemenz f;Scheinblödsinn m* GAP 10134* GAPDH 98669431 gap junction n; nexus n; cell-to-cellconnection n; commullication junction ng µµ m -/-µ; f -; µ f -i giunzione comunicante f; giunzione gap f;giunzione cellula-cellula f; nexus md Lückenverbindung f; Zelle-Zelle-Verbindungf; Gap-Junction f; Nexus m9432 gap junction channel ng µµ m -; µµ nt -i canale di giunzione comunicante md Gap-Junction-Kanal m9433 gap mutant ng µ µµ nt -µi mutante gap md Gap-Mutante f* garbage n 272409434 garden n

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