Facta #2

Revista de Gambiologia #2 Gambiologia magazine - 2nd issue 10/2013 "Acúmulo, ação criativa" / "Accumulation, a creative action"

Revista de Gambiologia #2 Gambiologia magazine - 2nd issue 10/2013 "Acúmulo, ação criativa" / "Accumulation, a creative action"


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text and illustrations by Evandro Castro

Desperate, a colleague psychiatrist vented with me one day - Only crazy people

show up to me! It was not true, he was tired and sometimes we were surprised

by the human soul. For years we were working in the same clinic, each in his

room, attending in psychotherapy clients who came to us with a wide variety

of problems, from the most mundane to the most complex. However, everyone

knows that “psi” professions have always been surrounded with prejudices

and fantasies. The owner of the coffee shop located on the ground floor of our

building and who was also a poet, sarcastically teased, "... they were crazy, they

looked normal but they were clients of the doctor, so I knew they were crazy."

On a slow morning, a few days later, during an interval of several hours between

clients, someone knocked on my office door. He was a short man, bald, and with

a beard that framed his chin and mouth. Very friendly, he told me he had come to

the building and by chance had seen my psychologist nameplate and decided on

impulse to look for me. I usually only accept indicated clients, which facilitated

an initial screening. Perhaps out of curiosity and because I was available at that

time I decided to attend the guy who told me his name and insisted that I call

him by his nickname - Master.

His story was like a film, from a poor childhood to adulthood, supported by

severe alcoholism, it had its moving scenes. He was an artist, a freelance jewelry

designer, intelligent, well-informed, but a little weird. He had just separated from

a crazy woman, he said, and had two children who made him worry and fear the

future. Surprisingly, none of this was the reason for his visit; what had brought

him there was a gnawing compulsion that haunted him since adolescence and

that lately he became specialized. How? I asked blankly.

At eighteen, unwittingly, his first theft happened. He just felt an irresistible urge

to put in his pocket the tin ashtray that was on the table of the Portuguese Bar,

on the corner of his home. He experienced amazing sensations from the moment

he thought of getting it for himself to the moment he pilfered the little ashtray.

Initially he felt an attraction mixed with fear and tension and then relief and

euphoria. He went walking home laughing with his mischief and there was no

room for regret or doubt, that had to be done and he managed to do it well.

To his misfortune, the thing has not stopped and a few days later he "had" to

unlawfully appropriate a teaspoon at a diner and likewise he was forced by an

internal drive to collect knives, ties, combs, empty bottles, caps, the tops of

bikinis, the left feet of sandals and other absolutely useless things. Despite being

a generally depressed person, one way or another he managed to lead a normal

life as an artist, and was active in the practice of what for him was an exciting

vice. His wife has always been extremely supportive and has often helped him

make his exciting actions, protecting him from being caught.


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