04.06.2013 Aufrufe

Modulhandbuch Wirtschaftswissenschaft - Universität Tübingen

Modulhandbuch Wirtschaftswissenschaft - Universität Tübingen

Modulhandbuch Wirtschaftswissenschaft - Universität Tübingen


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E333 Open Economy Macroeconomics I – Makroökonomik offener<br />

Volkswirtschaften I<br />

Lecturer:<br />

Prof. Dr. Claudia Buch<br />

Relevant for:<br />

B.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration<br />

B.Sc. in International Economics<br />

B.Sc. in International Business Administration<br />

Bachelor-Nebenfach Volkswirtschaftslehre<br />

M.Sc. in International Economics and Finance<br />

M.Sc. in General Management<br />

M.Sc. in European Management<br />

M.Sc. in European Economics<br />

ECTS-Credits/Stud. Recommended for:<br />

Workload:<br />

3<br />

7,5/225<br />

rd year B.Sc.<br />

1 st year M.Sc.<br />

Type of Exam:<br />

Klausur: 90 Minuten +<br />

Präsentation<br />

Prerequisites:<br />

Macroeconomics I<br />

Course Language: English<br />

Course Type and Number of hours:<br />

2 hours per week lecture + 2 hours per<br />

week colloquium<br />

Mode:<br />

B.Sc.: Major:<br />

- eligible for the Major Modules<br />

Applied Economic Theory,<br />

International Trade and<br />

Finance, and International<br />

Business (B.Sc.);<br />

- „i“-module for the B.Sc. in<br />

International Business Administration<br />

(for students<br />

enrolled before winter term<br />

2009/10)<br />

- Minor: eligible<br />

- M.Sc.: eligible for the Major<br />

Module Deepening Scope (5)<br />

and the Major Module Supplement<br />

Scope General/<br />

European Mangement (M.<br />

Sc. in GM, EM)<br />

- eligible for the major module<br />

Economics (M.Sc. IEF, EE)<br />

Maximum Student number:<br />

25<br />

Cycle:<br />

Summer<br />

term<br />

Comment for Diploma students: limited acces to the Colloquium, no formal limit for the lecture<br />

Goals and Content:<br />

Einzelheiten finden Sie auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls (siehe unten).<br />

Literature:<br />

Grundlage ist das Lehrbuch “Foundations of Interantional Macroeconomics” (Obstfeld/Rogoff)<br />

Homepage:<br />

http://www.wiwi.uni-tuebingen.de/cms/lehrstuhl-homepages/international-macroeconomicsand-finance.html<br />


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