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S3-Leitlinie Prostatakarzinom - AWMF

S3-Leitlinie Prostatakarzinom - AWMF

S3-Leitlinie Prostatakarzinom - AWMF


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9. Literatur<br />

135. Klotz L, Zhang L, Lam A, Nam R, Mamedov A, Loblaw A. Clinical results of long-term followup<br />

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136. Shappley WV, III, Kenfield SA, Kasperzyk JL, Qiu W, Stampfer MJ, Sanda MG, Chan JM.<br />

Prospective study of determinants and outcomes of deferred treatment or watchful waiting<br />

among men with prostate cancer in a nationwide cohort. Journal of clinical oncology :<br />

official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2009;27(30):4980-5.<br />

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137. Sugimoto M, Shiraishi T, Tsunemori H, Demura T, Saito Y, Kamoto T, Kakehi Y. Pathological<br />

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138. Khatami A, Aus G, Damber JE, Lilja H, Lodding P, Hugosson J. PSA doubling time predicts<br />

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139. Klotz L. Active surveillance for prostate cancer: for whom? Journal of clinical oncology :<br />

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140. Bastian PJ, Carter BH, Bjartell A, Seitz M, Stanislaus P, Montorsi F, Stief CG, Schroder F.<br />

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141. Parker C. Active surveillance: towards a new paradigm in the management of early prostate<br />

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143. Aus G, Robinson D, Rosell J, Sandblom G, Varenhorst E. Survival in prostate carcinoma--<br />

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147. Bill-Axelson A, Holmberg L, Filen F, Ruutu M, Garmo H, Busch C, Nordling S, Haggman M,<br />

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http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18695132<br />

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