11.11.2012 Aufrufe

IJ - A. Sutter GmbH

IJ - A. Sutter GmbH

IJ - A. Sutter GmbH


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Umweltschutz<br />

noch die Geschenkverpackungen hinzu: Lackpapier,<br />

Glitzerfolie, Plastikschleifen, Klebestreifen<br />

– all diese Materialien können nicht recycelt<br />

werden und landen auf der Deponie, wo sie nur<br />

sehr langsam verrotten. Wer seine Geschenke<br />

nicht in Zeitungspapier einschlagen will (jWeihnachtsstimmung),<br />

sollte wenigstens lernen, wie<br />

man beim Einpacken auf Klebstreifen verzichten<br />

kann. Wenn man sich stattdessen auf Gummioder<br />

Schleifenbänder beschränkt, wird das<br />

Geschenkpapier beim Auspacken nicht beschädigt<br />

und kann somit wiederverwendet werden.<br />

Engl.: environmental protection, considerate<br />

handling of nature’s resources such as the prevention<br />

of waste which is not biologically degradable, and<br />

low energy consumption are demands which responsible<br />

citizens should not withdraw from, especially at<br />

Christmas (jWeihnachten). However, this prerequisites<br />

a profound knowledge of ecological circum-<br />

66<br />

stances. Not everything<br />

launched onto the market<br />

claiming to be environmentally<br />

tolerable meets<br />

this particular claim<br />

when given closer consideration.<br />

For example, the<br />

buying of a Christmas tree<br />

(jChristbaum) with root ball is problematic from<br />

an ecological viewpoint. Taking the ball from the<br />

place where it grows entails that that particular spot<br />

of soil will lose humus; on an incline it may even<br />

lead to erosion. When buying the Christmas tree local<br />

varieties are to be preferred in order to avoid insensible<br />

long-distance transit. Buying foreign conifers<br />

such as the Colorado blue spruce (often wrongly termed<br />

“silver fir”) is also to be refrained from because<br />

they are grown in so-called special cultures, using<br />

mineral fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides. When<br />

disposing of the Christmas tree after<br />

the Three Kings (jHeilige Drei Könige)<br />

the Christmas tree decoration (jChristbaumschmuck)<br />

is to be completely removed<br />

as it may contain toxins. If one does<br />

not wish to do without jLametta the<br />

option should fall onto that made of<br />

tin: it is not flammable (jFeuerwehr/<br />

fire brigade) and can be reused year in,<br />

year out. – A major problem for environmental<br />

protection is the waste created by<br />

wrapping paper at Christmas (jVerpackung/wrapping).<br />

Compared to the<br />

annual average its share in the 250 kg of<br />

household waste produced on average by<br />

every citizen amounts to 30 per cent. And<br />

at Christmas the gift wrappings are<br />

added: varnished paper, glitter foil, plastic<br />

bows, adhesive strips – all these materials<br />

can not be recycled and are taken to the<br />

dump site where they rot slowly. Those<br />

not wishing to wrap their gifts in newspapers(jWeihnachtsstimmung/Christmas<br />

atmosphere) should at least learn how<br />

to do without cello tape when wrapping<br />

them up. In limiting oneself instead to<br />

rubber bands or ribbons, the wrapping<br />

paper is at least not damaged while unpacking<br />

and thus can be reused.

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