05.12.2012 Aufrufe

uNseR maNN IN euRopa

uNseR maNN IN euRopa

uNseR maNN IN euRopa


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pale Mirror, 1999; oil on linen; 98.4 x 86.6" (250 x 220 cm); private Collection<br />

malen kann oder ob eher positive Erlebnisse<br />

die Anlässe für seine Arbeiten sind.<br />

Seine Antwort darauf macht nachdenklich:<br />

” Ich bin sehr berührt von allem<br />

Traurigen.“ Er kann auch erklären warum.<br />

Solche Traurigkeit ” klingt sehr wahr und<br />

echt in mir“, erläutert er. Welche Gründe<br />

das auch immer haben mag, unumstritten<br />

ist, dass aus seinen Bildern eine große me-<br />

lancholie spricht. manchmal auch Pathos.<br />

Aber immer große emotionale Kraft.<br />

Nun findet man solche eindringliche<br />

Ausdruckskraft nur bei den Arbeiten<br />

wirklich großer Künstler, weshalb mich<br />

interessiert wie er seine Bilder malt. Denn<br />

selbst das größte Kunstwerk entsteht in<br />

einem sehr irdischen, letztlich materiellen<br />

Vorgang. und deshalb ist es immer<br />

influences the picture“. That’s not it. The music<br />

is allowed to influence the picture by me who<br />

chooses the music. (laughed)<br />

? Is the music taking the concentration<br />

from the right part of the brain so<br />

that you can work emotionally with the<br />

left one ?<br />

! It stops me from....debate. It stops<br />

me from being too verbal. Because I am very<br />

capable verbally. When you play the tape back,<br />

you’ll find that, the sentences I construct, are<br />

prose. You can actually, take them verbatim. I<br />

know there was one sentence early on where<br />

I repeated the same word and then rephrased<br />

it, so I did not repeat the same word. I’m very<br />

attached also to words. To language.<br />

And...I like to have my mind quieted.<br />

Pacified. Calmed. So that I can enter an area of<br />

the emotional, spiritual. Because really that’s<br />

what elevates the painting. That’s what makes<br />

my paintings different from other people’s paintings.<br />

And...I know, that they are different. And<br />

they are treated like that. And...it’s this sense of a<br />

kind of ” lit-up“ quality. And a poetic quality also.<br />

There is a spiritual charge in the painting that<br />

makes them register differently in the world of<br />

art. The world of art is rather cool and ironic a<br />

lot of the time. And my work is not cool. And is<br />

not ironic. It’s meant to be profound. It’s meant<br />

to be deep.<br />

? In an earlier interview you said,<br />

that you want to build a bridge between<br />

jackson pollock and piet mondrian. as I<br />

read this, I thought you were very close<br />

to piet mondrian in your early work. The<br />

pictures were – for me – very ” brainy“.<br />

and now the pictures are very emotional<br />

and expressive.<br />

! There are a lot of people that I include<br />

in that regard. Such as ... Schmidt-Rotluff. And...<br />

if you take part of Schmidt-Rotluff’s paintings...<br />

just a little section...you really have Rothko. And<br />

it’s this spirituality I am really looking for in<br />

my work. This emotionality. But not...a...blunt<br />

expressionism. There is a restraint in my work.<br />

So there is something, that is pushing BACK.<br />

And there is something that is pushing OuT.<br />

So there is a stress between the intellect, the<br />

philosophical, the governing, the controlling,<br />

the structuring...mind, which is the sense, the<br />

conceptual strength in my work. And then there<br />

is a very strong desire to somehow destroy<br />

this. So my work is in a sense trying to have<br />

everything. It wants to have everything. It wants<br />

to have a very powerful sense of profundity - in<br />

terms of structure – so that the paintings are noble.<br />

And then it also wants to create an emotion<br />

that is devastating.<br />

So it’s a huge appetite to get it all into a<br />

painting. To get both of these human qualities<br />

into a painting. And I don’t mean that in terms<br />

of a conciliation either. I don’t mean that in<br />

terms of a truce, where both of them are somewhat<br />

diluted. I mean, I want both to register<br />

powerfully. Because I think that is what creates<br />

a kind of profundity. I believe that a sense of<br />

structure creates a profound emotion. That’s<br />

my position. So I prefer ultimately Cezanne to<br />

Soutine. I think he’s more boring, he’s more<br />

difficult, he’s more demanding, he’s less fun, but<br />

ultimately he’s a far greater artist.<br />

? can we find all this you mentioned<br />

in small paintings as well as in big<br />

ones – for you as the creator and for us to<br />

look at ?<br />

! Issue of size has a very big importance<br />

– of course. When you make something small –<br />

like I do and I love to make small paintings – I<br />

am aware that I’m making a painting that’s the<br />

same size as a Cezanne – so it’s a real European<br />

model I follow. And those paintings that are<br />

small register differently. Someone once said<br />

about my work – a very perceptive art critic –<br />

what was shocking about my paintings was the<br />

intimacy – and the size of them. He said it hasn’t<br />

existed before. So if I make a painting that’s one<br />

meter or less that value is not present.<br />

That can only be present on the big<br />

paintings with a tremendous amount of love<br />

and commitment. And then somehow they are<br />

overwhelming because of the degree of intimacy<br />

and this pathos that is included in this sense<br />

of intimacy. Because I’m not making abstract<br />

expressionist paintings, they are not heroic.<br />

I’m not trying to make heroic art like Barnett<br />

Newman or Clifford Still. like the Americans<br />

you know. my work includes all that sense of<br />

European layering and reconsidering and history<br />

and doubt in the colours and the reference to<br />

the landscape...etcetera.<br />

So it’s a whole ball of experience that<br />

comes from a European sensibility and that

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