Moving Picture World (Dec 1917) - Learn About Movie Posters

Moving Picture World (Dec 1917) - Learn About Movie Posters

Moving Picture World (Dec 1917) - Learn About Movie Posters


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<strong>Dec</strong>ember 22, <strong>1917</strong> THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 1817<br />

Triangle Program<br />

Belle Bennett Shows Marked Ability in "Because of a<br />

Woman"—Irene Hunt's Work in "The Maternal<br />

Spark" Commendable.<br />

THE<br />

Triangle program for the week of <strong>Dec</strong>ember 16 offers<br />

two dramas of life and business that have more than<br />

usual interest. "Because of a Woman." a seven-reel featture,<br />

with Belle Bennett in the leading role, and Jack Livingston<br />

supporting, -will be the first release. Irene Hunt. Josie<br />

Sedgwick and Rowland Lee share honors in "The Maternal<br />

Spark," scheduled to follow.<br />

"Because of a "Woman" is the first seven-reel production to<br />

be released under the new Triangle plan to produce a sevenreel<br />

feature on the regular program each month. Belle Bennett<br />

has the leading role, and she is ably and well supported by<br />

Jack Livingston, George Chesebro and Louella Maxim. The<br />

story mainly concerns a man who sacrifices all, even to assuming<br />

the guilt for the misdeed of another, in order to protect<br />

the girl he loves. Jack Livingston is said to do some extra<br />

fine work in this picture, and George Chesebro, cast as a man<br />

who does everything dishonorable in order to gain his own<br />

selfish desires, is also up to the mark. Most of the scenes are<br />

laid in West Virginia and center around a southern family.<br />

Others in the cast include Josef Swickard and Lillian Langdon.<br />

"Because of a Woman" was written by E. Magnus Ingleton,<br />

picturized by George E. Jenks, and the play was produced<br />

by Jack Conway.<br />

"The Maternal Spark," scheduled as the second release of the<br />

week, is said to offer Irene Hent an excellent opportunity to<br />

display her emotional qualities. She is supported by Rowland<br />

Lee and Josie Sedgwick. Little Joey Jacobs also plays a' prominent<br />

part in the picture, and shows improvement in his work.<br />

The story deals with a country bred attorney, whose ability<br />

is recognized by a prominent railroad president, and is brought<br />

on to New York as a confidential secretary. Rowland Lee is<br />

the attorney and Irene Hunt and Joey Jacobs make up his<br />

his family. The joy spots of New York, and Josie Sedgwick,<br />

cast as Clarice Philips, "Who neither toils nor spins," get the<br />

better of the attorney. Great trouble exists for a while and it<br />

remains for the railroad president to settle the difficulties.<br />

Throughout this picture the situations are said to be well<br />

played and the ending actually carries a "punch."<br />

R. Cecil Smith wrote "The Maternal Spark" and G. P. Hamilton<br />

directed the production.<br />

In the Triangle-Keystone Comedy, "The Sanitarium Scandal,"<br />

the Keystone bathing beauties do much in causing a general<br />

disturbance. The Sanitarium Hotel is a peaceful place until<br />

Peggy Pearce and her diving nymphs arrive. Then Baldy<br />

Belmont, a professor. Paddy McGuire, a porter, and Fritz<br />

Schade, the sheriff, all fall for the girls, and many "wet scenes"<br />

take place thereafter. William Beaudine directed the picture.<br />

Two one-reel Triangle Komedies, "His Bad Policy" and "A<br />

Discordant Note," are also included in the week's releases.<br />


Evidence of well-balanced suspense In motion picture direction<br />

is apparent in Chapter 14 of 'The Lost Express," the<br />

fifteen-chapter photonovel starring Helen Holmes, which is<br />

nearing its conclusion.<br />

Chapter 14, entitled "Unmasked," scheduled for release <strong>Dec</strong>ember<br />

17, carries the many audiences which have been watching<br />

the chapter play to the very brink of the mystery and<br />

leaves them still in wonder and suspense at its solution.<br />

The mystery is founded on what became of the lost express.<br />

The train disappeared completely in Chapter 1 of the serial.<br />

While there have been many near solutions, the picture has<br />

sustained interest and kept away a definite indication of what<br />

happened to the engine and its three coaches after it left the<br />

station and failed to show up at the station next beyond.<br />

Chapter 14 deals with the unmasking of "The Harelip," a<br />

member of the gang of conspirators who has attempted to rob<br />

Helen's father of his priceless invention and his gold mine<br />

property. In this installment "The Harelip" is revealed to old<br />

General Thurston and to Helen as Pitts, the general's private<br />

secretary.<br />

The tangled skein is to be unraveled in Chapter 15, which<br />

is to be released <strong>Dec</strong>ember 24. That means that the thousands<br />

of anxious fans who have been following the puzzle since early<br />

in September can eat their Christmas dinners with full knowledge<br />

of what happened to the lost express.<br />


Production has been begun at Metro's West Coast studio in<br />

Hollywood, Cal., on "Revenge," the next starring vehicle of<br />

Edith Storey. "Revenge" is a picturization of the popular<br />

novel "Hearts Steadfast." by Edward Moffatt, which has been<br />

adapted by H. P. Keeler.<br />

Tod Browning will direct Miss Storey in "Revenge," which<br />

will be a five-act Metro wonderplay, presented by B. R. Rolfe,<br />

Metro's western representative. It is a story western in<br />

thought and locale, bringing the star back to the sort of picture<br />

which first endeared her to the public. It is full of<br />

exciting and absorbing incidents and essentially dramatic in<br />

its powerful theme.<br />

A strong cast is being selected by Mr. Rolfe and Mr. Browning<br />

to support Miss Storey in this unusually vital photodrama.<br />

Bluebirds Ready Far in Advance<br />

Schedule Completed Until January 21—Six Leading Players<br />

Busy.<br />

WITH Bluebirds definitely scheduled well into January<br />

.Managing Director Carl Laemmle is urging along the<br />

production of features at Universal City to keep the<br />

supply adequate and listed far enough in advance to give<br />

exhibitors every opportunity for advantageous publicity well<br />

ahead of release dates. Bluebird's five women stars and<br />

Franklyn Farnum are all busy on location, turning into completed<br />

products the scenarios that are depended upon to maintain<br />

the standard of excellence the program has established.<br />

Incidentally, the third year of the Bluebird series begins<br />

with the release set for January 21—Dorothy Phillips, "Broadway<br />

Love." Bluebird No. 104, ending the second year, will<br />

present Mae Murray in "Face Value" a week earlier. The<br />

schedule of releases for January is summarized herewith:<br />

<strong>Dec</strong>ember 31—Violet Mersereau in "The Girl by the Roadside,"<br />

a dramatization of Varick Vanardy's novel of the same<br />

title, directed by Theodore Marston.<br />

January 7—Carmel Myers in "My Unmarried Life," screen<br />

version of Frank R. Adams' story, "Molly and I"; produced by<br />

George Siegmann, and released as Miss Myers' second feature<br />

in the Bluebird program.<br />

January 14—Mae Murray in "Face Value," the story by Miss<br />

Murray and hor director, Robert Z. Leonard, offered as Miss<br />

Murray's second Bluebird.<br />

January 21—Dorothy Phillips in "Broadway Iiove," produced<br />

by Ida May Park from W. Carey Wonderly's story, featuring<br />

Lon Chaney and William Stowell, who head the supporting<br />

company.<br />

There is one more release in January to be accounted for,<br />

and to fix that issue there are several subjects from which a<br />

selection may be made. In the regular routine of presentations<br />

either Franklyn Farnum or Ruth Clifford will be the star<br />

for the last week of the month.<br />


Jane and Katherine Lee, William Fox's "Baby Grand" stars,<br />

have a busy year ahead of them, having been assigned by Mr.<br />

Fox to make eight pictures for the Fox Standard <strong>Picture</strong><br />

schedule. Scenarios for some of these have already been written,<br />

and others are under way.<br />

The Lee children having demonstrated that they are especially<br />

adapted as fun makers, these eight pictures will be<br />

comedy-dramas with the "human interest" vein predominating.<br />

A vigorous publicity and advertising campaign of national<br />

scope in behalf of the Fox "Baby Grands" is now in full swing.<br />

An unusual line of posters and other advertising matters on<br />

"Troublemakers," their next picture, has been provided for<br />

exhibitors.<br />

"THE GUY AND THE GUYSER" (Nestor).<br />

A second allotment of Nestor Comedies, to run for four<br />

issues, is announced by Universal as supplemental to the four<br />

comedies that were scheduled following the slackening of<br />

production at Universal City. At that time Universal exchange<br />

Scene from "The Guy and the Guyser" (Universal).<br />

managers requested that Nestors be released for four additional<br />

issues, and now has come a second request to continue<br />

them for an additional period.<br />

"The Guy and the Guyser," starring Dave Morris and featuring<br />

Gladys Tennyson, for release <strong>Dec</strong>ember 24. is the last<br />

of the four pictures picked out for supplemental distribution.<br />

Both of the advertised leaders are supplied with roles favorable<br />

to their exploiting comedy in speedy details. Nestors,<br />

together with L-Kos, are providing the comedy in Universal's<br />

weekly distribution under the latest arrangement.

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