Britain ... - Blue-Lite

Britain ... - Blue-Lite

Britain ... - Blue-Lite


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Scene I.] THE DEVOTED ONE. 195<br />

This fellow here again ! Whyy<br />

Enter Edric.<br />

EDIUC.<br />

no man soon<br />

Will dare approach the King without his leave.<br />

Art thou chief warder of the royal chamber ?<br />

GODWIN.<br />

Art thou chief executioner, and com'st<br />

With bloody hand to tell the King thou hast done<br />

Thine office featly on some hapless wretch,<br />

'Neath court displeasure fallen ?<br />

EDRIC.<br />

Destruction crush<br />

Thy very bones to dust ! And yet must I,<br />

To pluck the secret of his lineage forth,<br />

Soothe him with artful words of kind regard. [Aside.<br />

Brave son of Wulfnoth, how comes this, that thou<br />

Wilt ever cast on me such fierce contempt.<br />

Disdaining<br />

kin with Mercians Duke to claim ?<br />

GODWIN.<br />

Who told thee, fool, that I was Wulfnoth's son ?<br />

Claim kin to thee ! No, sooner would I claim<br />

Relationship with helFs dark master-fiend.<br />

Ere I would own thee of my blood, Yd call<br />

A scurvy dog my brother.<br />

EDRIC (aside.)<br />

I'll make thee howl for this.<br />

Enter Canute, Turkeetul, Rolf Iric, Guards and<br />

Attendants.<br />

CANUTE.<br />

Emma of Normandy shall be our Queen,<br />

And quickly change her weeds of widowhood<br />

To bridal robes of state.<br />


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