Britain ... - Blue-Lite

Britain ... - Blue-Lite

Britain ... - Blue-Lite


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(!)<br />

NOTES.<br />

this dull and savage isle,<br />

A land of vile barbarians .... p. 261.<br />

Henry of Huntington says, that the English were all reduced<br />

to servitude and sorrow, and that to be called an Englishman<br />

was a reproach.<br />

" William of Poictou, in describing the battle of Hastings,<br />

at which he was present, frequently denominates the English,<br />

the barbarians." Dr. Henry. Guitmund, when offered a bishopric<br />

in England by William, said in reply, "I know not how<br />

1 can preside over those, whose foreign names and barbarous<br />

language I do not understand."<br />

2<br />

( ) Go, bid thy slaves<br />

Some Saxon fair one to thy chamber . bring.<br />

p. 262.<br />

"After that fatal battle, (Hastings,) the native English sunk<br />

into great contempt and wretchedness. Their estates were<br />

confiscated, their persons insulted, their wives and daughters<br />

dishonoured before their<br />

eyes. The Normans, says an ancient<br />

historian, were astonished at their own power, became as it<br />

were mad with pride, and imagined that they might do whatever<br />

they pleased to the English." Ibid.<br />

Matilda, daughter of Malcolm Canmore, king of Scotland,<br />

and the Queen of Henry I., was compelled, during her education<br />

in England at this period, to wear the veil of a nun to secure<br />

her person from insult and violence.<br />

3<br />

( ) Give me the sweet Provencal tongue for love. .<br />

p. 262.<br />

At the period of the Norman conquest, France was moulding<br />

into two great divisions of : language that which, from our<br />

own connexion with it, and from its chief cultivators, we call<br />

Norman French j and that which is popularly called the Pro-<br />

venc^al, a peculiar and not ungraceful language." Middle Ages.<br />

"<br />

Frankis specli is cald Romance,<br />

So sais clerkes and men of France."<br />

Wartoni Hist. Poet.

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