Notre Dame de Paris - Bartleby.com

Notre Dame de Paris - Bartleby.com

Notre Dame de Paris - Bartleby.com


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and shaken by sobs, he ma<strong>de</strong> a more wretched and suppliant figure even than on his knees. He wept on<br />

for a while.<br />

“Enough,” he said presently, the first violence of his emotion spent. “I find no words. And yet I had<br />

well pon<strong>de</strong>red what I would say to you. And now I tremble and shiver, I grow faint-hearted at the<br />

<strong>de</strong>cisive moment. I feel that something transcen<strong>de</strong>nt wraps us round, and my tongue falters. Oh, I shall<br />

fall to the ground if you will not take pity on me, pity on yourself! Con<strong>de</strong>mn us not both to perdition.<br />

Didst thou but know how much I love thee!—what a heart is mine! the <strong>de</strong>sertion of all virtue, the<br />

abandonment of myself! A doctor, I mock at science; a gentleman, I tarnish my name; a priest, I make of<br />

my missal a pillow of wantonness—I spit in the face of my Re<strong>de</strong>emer! And all for thee, enchantress; to be<br />

more worthy of thy hell! And yet thou rejectest the damned! Oh, let me tell thee all—more than this,<br />

something still more horrible, more horrible——!”<br />

With these last words his manner became utterly distraught. He was silent a moment, then, in a stern<br />

voice and as if addressing himself:<br />

“Cain!” he cried, “what has thou done with thy brother?”<br />

There was a pause, and then he began again. “What have I done with him, Lord? I took him, I reared<br />

him, I nourished him, loved him, idolized him, and—I killed him! Yes, Lord, before my very eyes they<br />

dashed his head against the stones of thy house; and it was because of me, because of this woman,<br />

because of her——”<br />

Madness gleamed from his sunken eyes; his voice dropped away; two or three times he repeated<br />

mechanically, and with long pauses between, like the last prolonged vibrations of the strokes of a bell,<br />

“Because of her—because of her——” At last, though his lips still moved, no articulate sound came from<br />

them, then sud<strong>de</strong>nly he felt in a heap like a house crumbling to pieces, and remained motionless on the<br />

ground, his head on his knees.<br />

A faint movement of the girl, drawing away her foot from un<strong>de</strong>r him, brought him to himself. He slowly<br />

swept his hand over his haggard cheeks, and gazed for some moments at his fingers, surprised to find<br />

them wet. “What,” he murmured, “have I been weeping?”<br />

He turned sud<strong>de</strong>nly upon the gipsy with nameless anguish.<br />

“Woe is me! thou canst see me weep unmoved! Child, knowest thou that such tears are molten lava? Is<br />

it then in<strong>de</strong>ed true, that in the man we hate nothing can melt us? Thou wouldst see me die and wouldst<br />

laugh. Oh, I cannot see thee die! One word, one single word of kindness! I ask not that thou shouldst say<br />

thou lovest me; tell me only that thou art willing I should save thee. That will suffice: I will save thee in<br />

return for that. If not—oh, time flies! I entreat thee, by all that is sacred, wait not till I turn to stone again<br />

like this gibbet, that yearns for thee also! Remember that I hold both our <strong>de</strong>stinies in my hand; that I am<br />

frenzied—it is terrible—that I may let everything go, and that there lies beneath us, unhappy girl, a<br />

bottomless pit wherein my fall will follow thine to all eternity! One word of kindness! Say one word! but<br />

one word!”<br />

Her lips parted to answer him. He flung himself on his knees before her to receive with adoration the<br />

words, perchance of relenting, that should fall from them.<br />

“You are an assassin!” she said.

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