Pro S. Roscio Amerino

Pro S. Roscio Amerino

Pro S. Roscio Amerino


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130 CICERO : PRO Koscro.<br />

Delos, -i, f. : a sniall island in the Aegean Sea, one of tho Cyclades,<br />

lying in the niiddle of tho group. It was celebrated for its bronze,<br />

which resenibled that of Corinth.<br />

F.<br />

Fannius, -i, m. : Marcus Fannius presided as praetor (SO B.c.) over<br />

the quaestio inter sicarios by which Roscius was tried. He had<br />

some time befote ptesided as iudex quatationis over a special comraiss<br />

on to try a case of niurder.<br />

Fimbria, -ae, m. : Gaius<br />

Flavius Fimbria, a deniagogue of low birth,<br />

took a proniincnt part in the massacreof the Optimates in 87 b.c. by<br />

Marius. In 86 he was made legate of L. Valerius Flaccus, when<br />

the latter was dispatched by Cinna to the East to supersede ISulla in<br />

the command against Mithradates. In 85 Fimbria headed a<br />

he then assumed command of<br />

mutiny in which Flaccus lost his life ;<br />

the troops. In 84 Fimbiia's soldiers deserted to Sulla, who had<br />

by this time arranged terms of peace with Mithradates ; Fimbria<br />

himself fled to Pergamum, and there committed suicide.<br />

Furiae, -arum, f. : three goddesses of vengeance (Allecto, Megaera,<br />

and 'Jisiphone) who were supposed to pursue and punish murderers<br />

of near relatives.<br />

M.<br />

Marius, -i, m. : Gaius Marius, the great soldier, was born at<br />

Arpinum in 157 b.c. He distinguished himself greatly at the siege<br />

of Numantia, in Spain (134 b.c), conquered Jugurtha, king of<br />

Numidia (105), and by a victory over the Teutones at Aquae<br />

Sextiae (102) in his fourth consulate, and by anothcr over tlie<br />

Cimbri at Vercellae in his fiflh, in the foUowing year, saved Italy<br />

from being overrun by barbarian hordes. In 100 he was consul<br />

again, and had to crush by force of arms the outbreak of the<br />

deraagogues Saturninus and Glaucia, by whose aid he had beconie<br />

consul. He served in the Social war (90-S8). but the command<br />

in the Mithradatic war (88) was given to his rival Sulla, who<br />

drove him into temporary exile. In the absence of Sulla in tiio<br />

East, Marius retumed, joiiied Cinna, who meanwhile had led the<br />

demoeratic imrty, effected an etitry into Rome (87), and massacred<br />

his opponents. He proclaimed himself and Cinna consuls<br />

for the ensuing year, but died on the eighteenth day of this,<br />

his seventh consulsliip.<br />

Metellus, -i, m. : (1) Quintus Ca-cilius Metellus was consul in<br />

123 b.C. ; he conquered and colonised the Balearic Islands, and so<br />

won the surname of Balearicus. (2) Quintus Caecilius Metellus<br />

Nepos was cont.ul in 98, and was in that year one of the proposers<br />

of the Lex Caecilia Didia.

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