Pro S. Roscio Amerino

Pro S. Roscio Amerino

Pro S. Roscio Amerino


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12 CiCERO<br />

reserve. ITo contingency will arise of sucla a nature, geutlemen,<br />

as to make it possible for fear to bring to bear upon<br />

me a greater influence tbau mj sense of obUgation.<br />

32. For indeed what man is of sucb a flabby disposition<br />

as to find it possible to bold bis peace and pay no beed<br />

wben be looks upon tbese atrocities ? Tou niurdered my<br />

fatber, tbougb be bad not been proscribed ; wben be was<br />

slain you registered bim on tbe list of tbe proscribed ;<br />

you drove me by force from my bome you are in posses-<br />

;<br />

sion of my inberitance : wbat<br />

more do you want ? Have<br />

you actually come to tbese bencbes witb sword and spear<br />

to murder Sextus Eoscius, or get bim condemned in tbis<br />

place ?<br />

33. We recently had in our state a certain Gaius<br />

Fimbria, a man wbo was absolutely witbout rival in<br />

desperate audacity and—as is generally agreed, except<br />

among tbose wbo are tbemselves madly reckless—in mad<br />

recklessness. At tbe funeral of G-aius Marius be bad<br />

managed to get Quintus Scaevola wounded ; Scaevola, tbe<br />

most uprigbt and distinguisbed man in our state, a man<br />

concerning wbose merits tbis is not tbe place to say mucb,<br />

nor for all tbat is it possible to say more tban tbe Eoman<br />

people keeps in memory. Tbereupon be indicted Scaevola<br />

as soon as be ascertained tbat be migbt possibly Hve.<br />

Wben some one asked bim wbatever cbarge be meant to<br />

bring against a man wbose position was so distinguisbed<br />

tbat no one could find satisfactory words even for bis<br />

praise, tbey say tbat tbe man, witb bis usual mad temper,<br />

replied : " Because be did not receive tbe wbole of tbe<br />

weapon into bis body." Tbe Eoman people never bebeld a<br />

more sbameful spectacle tban tbis, except tbe deatb of tbis<br />

same man, wbicb was of sucb portentous consequence tbat<br />

it insured tbe ruin and destruction of all tbe citizens, by<br />

wbom be was bimself slain for wisbing to save them by<br />

effecting an agreement.<br />

34. Does not tbe following closely resemble tbe saying<br />

and the deed of Fimbria? Tou accuse Sextus Roscius.<br />

Wby so ? Because be has escaped from your bands<br />

because he would not allow bimself to be murdered. Tbe<br />

crime I mentioned appears more sbameful because it was

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