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104 At the Back of the Black Man's Mind By R. E. Dennett<br />

MISAKASAKA is a string plant which they wind round the NKALA posts Of MABILL<br />

SAKA is <strong>to</strong> chase, while SAKASAKA "a little chasing," gives us the idea of the quick little<br />

waves of the sea following one after the other.<br />

MIKWICI is a cane-like plant, planted close <strong>to</strong> the NKALA poles.<br />

MACISA is also a cane-like plant growing at the foot of the NKALA poles.<br />

XILAWLO is the wild "Cœur de boeuf" known as the LAWLO NTANDU or the wayside<br />

"pawpaw." Its fruit is of a yellow colour and it is eaten by weary travellers on the march.<br />

It is one of those shrubs whose growth does not appear <strong>to</strong> be affected by the yearly<br />

prairie fires. It is burnt and scorched each year, but its blackened branches sprout and<br />

bear their yearly crop as if the fire had merely purged them of their dead matter and<br />

given them new life.<br />

XIFILO is a bushy tree whose fruit is of a ruddy colour, and the leaves of which, <strong>to</strong>gether<br />

with those of the XILAWLO enter in<strong>to</strong> the medicines connected with MBUMBA.<br />

MAVUKA is a string plant used in binding the <strong>to</strong>oth of the Hippo (VUBU or NGUVU). This<br />

plant and the <strong>to</strong>oth is called MBUMBA XIDONGO and it is brought out by the prince on<br />

(Sundays) the fourth day SONA. Having chewed some KOLA nut, he spits the mass upon<br />

the part of the <strong>to</strong>oth that is bound by the MAVUKA <strong>to</strong> give him the power <strong>to</strong> overcome<br />

the wiles of the witches who would prevent his propagating his image.<br />

MATONDI is the truffle found in the ground in the woods and eaten by the natives.<br />

MUAMBA is a large tree producing a soft yellow wood of which the natives make figures<br />

(ZINKAWCI). It is the word used for the juice or broth made from the fruit of the palm<br />

tree.<br />

NKANA is a lofty tree from the bark of which bracelets and anklets are made. Its small<br />

fruit enters in<strong>to</strong> the MBUMBA medicines and MBUMBA is the smell of the earth. The<br />

wood of this tree must not be burnt in any <strong>to</strong>wn where the MBUMBA medicine exists.<br />

MBUBU is the tree representing respectful fear (VUMI). BUBA (the spider) also means<br />

an assembly of many things wrapped up as in a parcel. The spider is said <strong>to</strong> have made a<br />

ladder up <strong>to</strong> heaven <strong>to</strong> fetch down fire.'<br />

NTETE is a very high tree and serves as a mark or sign that the land on which it stands<br />

is near the headquarters of the King. This tree is now a very rare one, in Luango I only<br />

know of one and that is situated just on the BUALI side of the river LUBENDO which<br />

divides that province from LUANJILL The wood is used <strong>to</strong> make the handles of axes,<br />

hoes, etc. The meaning of the word is "First, principal." NKAKI NTETE chief and first<br />

wife.<br />


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