Onto.PT: Towards the Automatic Construction of a Lexical Ontology ...

Onto.PT: Towards the Automatic Construction of a Lexical Ontology ...

Onto.PT: Towards the Automatic Construction of a Lexical Ontology ...


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4.2. A large lexical network for Portuguese 73<br />

Tb-triple Supporting sentence<br />

língua hypernym-<strong>of</strong> alemão As iniciativas deste gabinete passam geralmente pela<br />

promoção de conferências, exposições, workshops e aulas<br />

de línguas, como o inglês, alemão ou japonês.<br />

(language hypernym-<strong>of</strong> german) (The initiatives <strong>of</strong> this <strong>of</strong>fice are generally for <strong>the</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> con-<br />

ferences, exhibitions, workshops and classes in languages like English,<br />

German or Japanese.)<br />

ciência hypernym-<strong>of</strong> paleontologia A paleontologia é uma ciência que depende do que se<br />

descobre.<br />

(science hypernym-<strong>of</strong> paleontology) (Paleontology is a science that depends on its own discoveries.)<br />

rua part-<strong>of</strong> quarteirão De resto, o quarteirão formado pelas ruas de São João<br />

e de Mouzinho da Silveira está, por esse motivo, assente em<br />

estacas de madeira...<br />

(street part-<strong>of</strong> block) (Moreover, <strong>the</strong> block formed by <strong>the</strong> streets <strong>of</strong> São João and Mouzinho<br />

da Silveira is, because <strong>of</strong> that, built on wooden stacks...)<br />

mão part-<strong>of</strong> corpo As mãos são a parte do corpo mais atingida (29,7%).<br />

(hand part-<strong>of</strong> body) (The hands are <strong>the</strong> most affected part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> body (29.7%).)<br />

pessoa member-<strong>of</strong> comissão A comissão é constituída por pessoas que ficaram marcadas<br />

pela presença de Dona Amélia: ...<br />

(person member-<strong>of</strong> committee) (The committee consists <strong>of</strong> people who were marked by <strong>the</strong> presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> Dona Amélia: ...)<br />

lobo member-<strong>of</strong> alcateia Mech e os seus colegas constataram que alguns dos cheiros<br />

contidos nas marcas de urina servem para os lobos de uma<br />

alcateia saberem por onde andou o lobo que deixou as marcas<br />

...<br />

(wolf member-<strong>of</strong> pack) (Mech and his colleagues found that some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> smells <strong>of</strong> urine con-<br />

tained in <strong>the</strong> marks are for a pack <strong>of</strong> wolves to know where <strong>the</strong> wolf<br />

that left <strong>the</strong> marks has been...)<br />

transporte purpose-<strong>of</strong> embarcação ... onde foi descoberto o resto do casco de uma em-<br />

(transport purpose-<strong>of</strong> ship)<br />

barcação presumivelmente utilizada no transporte<br />

de peças de cerâmica ...<br />

(... where <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hull <strong>of</strong> a ship, allegedly used to transport<br />

pieces <strong>of</strong> pottery, was discovered ...)<br />

espectáculo purpose-<strong>of</strong> anfiteatro Sobre a hipótese da construção de stands de artesanato e de<br />

um anfiteatro para espectáculos, a edilidade portuense<br />

diz ainda não estar nada decidido.<br />

(show purpose-<strong>of</strong> amphi<strong>the</strong>atre) (About <strong>the</strong> possibility <strong>of</strong> building crafts booths and an amphi<strong>the</strong>ater<br />

for performances, <strong>the</strong> Porto city council says that nothing is decided<br />

yet.)<br />

Table 4.10: Examples <strong>of</strong> sentences supporting extracted tb-triples.<br />

<strong>the</strong> remaining third from Wiktionary.<strong>PT</strong>. Each judge had to classify each tb-triple<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r as:<br />

• Correct (2): <strong>the</strong>re is at least one context where <strong>the</strong> tb-triple is valid;<br />

• Wrong relation (1): <strong>the</strong> arguments <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tb-triple are intuitively related, but<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir relation (predicate) should be ano<strong>the</strong>r (e.g. to eat causation-<strong>of</strong> spoon,<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> to eat purpose-<strong>of</strong> spoon);<br />

• Wrong (0): <strong>the</strong> tb-triple is never valid.<br />

The results <strong>of</strong> this evaluation are reported in tables 4.11 and 4.12. In <strong>the</strong> first<br />

table, <strong>the</strong> results are presented according to relation, judge and individually by<br />

resource. The second table presents <strong>the</strong> overall results per relation and <strong>the</strong> margin

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