The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland


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1747.] ELKCTION OF A MliMllKU OF PAKLTAMKN'T. '^77<br />

particular thej clioose to o\v liim an obligation ratlu-r tlinn to such a litle<br />

])uny follow as the Lvon, who jirotoiulcil to give hiiiisflf su^h airs as to he<br />

chosen I'ur tA\'o counties, which insolence the Laird <strong>of</strong> Crant was the most<br />

projipr person to curli, ami as it would be dilllenlt to get tlir better o!' him<br />

in Naii-n, the most proper e'othod ". ns for ibi- i^aird oi" (/Ji-ai .<br />

to<br />

sin<br />

\\' him<br />

Ills interest in the shire <strong>of</strong> MiuTay v/a.s suc'i that he eonld .it pretend to<br />

he able to carrv the repi'esentatiou <strong>of</strong> i\ruri-ay l_)ut by the Laird ol' (Irant's<br />

assistance, and therefore, if I was to have that shire, T must allow Craig-<br />

alachie the absoltite dis])osal <strong>of</strong> Nairn in favotn-s <strong>of</strong> Culloden, and in case I<br />

was not easily to be jirevailed tipon to come into this measure, that (Jrant<br />

nmst be either opposed or bnllierl in the sliire ol' Lnei'ness, in oi'der to l)e<br />

a pretext for him to set up in the shire <strong>of</strong> Muri'ay."' <strong>The</strong> wiiter also<br />

remonstrates against anv concession being made to the I'amil}' 1' ('idloden,<br />

and insists strongly on liis own friendshi]) for 8ir James <strong>Grant</strong> aT)d family.<br />

In regard to the same matter Lord Lovat wrote also to Lndovick<br />

Cirant. a fortnight later, that Lord Islay had declaivd hinrself against the<br />

two brothers John and Ihmcan Forbes, but that the two were resolved to<br />

carry Liverness, Lioss, and Nairn. " Ko.ss thev think themselves very sure<br />

<strong>of</strong>, and they have hook'd in Macleod to get tlie shire <strong>of</strong> Inverness by him.<br />

. . . And<br />

my Lord Advocate is gone express . . . to assist him to make<br />

twelve or twenty barons, so that he will, according to their scheme, beat<br />

the shire, and then give it up to ( 'ulodin, . . . so<br />

that if your father does not<br />

bestir himself and make as many barons as will ballance M'Leod, he is<br />

affronted, and what will the ministry think <strong>of</strong> liis interest and mine in this<br />

shire." Lord Lovat even fears that 8ir James may lo.se his seat in Parlia-<br />

ment and his interest in ^b)ray, "so that he is mad and disstracted if he<br />

does not for ever mantain his interest and election in tlie shire <strong>of</strong> Liverness."<br />

<strong>The</strong> writer declares he has five votes, and hopes soon to have ten, and he<br />

adjures Sir James to exert himself: " Let him not force his friends and aUays<br />

to forsake him and join those whom they hate. ... If he is not active for<br />

himself, he can make as many barons in L^rqnhart as he pleases, and the<br />

divel take his advisers if he does not make as many as secures himself.""<br />

As to the Cjiiestion <strong>of</strong> making barons, >Sir James <strong>Grant</strong>'s own opinion.<br />

Origiu;il Letter ;it Castle <strong>Grant</strong>. - Ibid.<br />

VOL. I. 3 B

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