The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland


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1810.] JUS DEATH :<br />

fux]:i;al or .m(itiiki; and .s(.)N. 485<br />

Unhuppil}-, the career <strong>of</strong> this exeellcnt aiul amiabli; youtl), as lie \v:is<br />

deemed Ijy hi.s contemporaries, was destined to an untimely end. <strong>The</strong><br />

particulars <strong>of</strong> the death <strong>of</strong> himself and his mother are t.;-athered from the<br />

journals <strong>of</strong> tlie (lav. His mother, Mrs. Gi'ant, died in !.: iidon "U 'jyth<br />

Fe''vnary 18 tO. ller remains wt le brouidit from London l.)y ihf 'North<br />

Si:.. " steamer to ISurghead, and from thence to Castle C.'rant, th > family<br />

seat most adjaceni. to the buryini,-place <strong>of</strong> the family at Duthih For the<br />

purpose <strong>of</strong> attendino- the funeral <strong>of</strong> his mother, Mr. <strong>Grant</strong>, who was sufferiuLT<br />

from slight indisposition, luu'ricd down fmm London in company ^vith his<br />

next bruther, ^Ir. John Charles <strong>Grant</strong>. <strong>The</strong>y arrived at Cullen Ileusf on the<br />

10th ]\[arch. Xo appi'eliensiou was entertained by ]\L\ <strong>Grant</strong>'s friends un<br />

account <strong>of</strong> his illness, which was attributed to the effect produced on his<br />

mind by his mother's death, and to the fatigues <strong>of</strong> a rapid journey. He<br />

retired to bed at the usual hour, only complaining <strong>of</strong> a headache, wliic h it<br />

was hoped sleep would remove. But when his servant entei'ed the apart-<br />

ment in the morning he was horror-struck to iind tliat his master was<br />

dead. It is supp(ised that the iiumciliate cause <strong>of</strong> death -was obstruction<br />

about the heart. <strong>The</strong> news <strong>of</strong> the melancholy event excited the deepest<br />

feeling <strong>of</strong> awe and symi)athy among all ranks, though at first the repf^rt<br />

was received with incredulity, the shock was so sudden and lurluoked foi-.<br />

Such a stroke, had it occurred in the family <strong>of</strong> the meanest peasant, wotdd<br />

have called forth the general .sympathy <strong>of</strong> the neighbotu'hood ; how<br />

much<br />

more when it visited a house connected by ties <strong>of</strong> respect and affectionate<br />

regard with so large a portion <strong>of</strong> the North <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scotland</strong>. ]\L'. <strong>Grant</strong> was<br />

only in the twenty-sixth year <strong>of</strong> his age wlien he died. His remains were<br />

removed from Cullen House to Castle <strong>Grant</strong> preparatory to their interment<br />

at Duthil. <strong>The</strong> new fomily mausoleum liad only l;)een completed by<br />

Colonel <strong>Grant</strong> in the preceding year. It was a trying occa.sion for a feelini,'-<br />

husband and parent, and a spectacle <strong>of</strong> woe rarely witnessed, that he<br />

.should perform the last earthly duties to his wife and his eldest son at the<br />

same time. <strong>The</strong> simultaneous funeral oi" mother and son has been fitly<br />

described in the fallowing terms :<br />

Tlie scene wa.s one wliich will be indelibly engraved on the memories <strong>of</strong> those wlio<br />

witnessed it, and will form the subject <strong>of</strong> a tale, that will be told witli feelings <strong>of</strong> deep

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