The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland


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IMODHiUi:!-: OF Tin: CUAXTS ol-^ l;AIJ>lXi)AIJj)('Il, in Paiusii (.1- Ml<br />

Jn\i:i;\\o\, ('iuwi'N' oi' i'j.iiix.<br />

CAiu/rs OI' ivi)riiii;\iii:(;iii >.<br />

I.-C()1,0M:1. WILLIAM CKANT oi- 1; m.ii m.ai.i.h ii,<br />

Sto.iii.l Sill <strong>of</strong> .Tinnf'S (Slant, tliinl ol' niitliii-iuun-liii-. iiii.l (iii/i'l M:ukiiilii-.li {rnir lliilliii'inuivluis I'i-.Ii.mti'). He nit civil into :icniiti:i. 1 nt hkh-<br />

ii:mi' I'll outli (iftoliiT 1711 Willi A mil' (Ir.iiii, -si'.-ou'l 4.1'uliUT ui Lu.|ii\ \rk (Ir.inl ol I Maul, auW ali.mi Mir saim- liiiii' ;i.!i|iiin!.i lli.- csiai, ,<<br />

<strong>of</strong> l:.llliil.lul!.H-li, Tnllorhrannii, ali.l oIIkts, fi.iiii ./..Im (,'raii(, ,,! Ilallina.illocli ali.l liK civ.lilor,. 1 h: r.UM'.l on,' ul tin' iliil.'|.rn.l.'iil llrjli-<br />

l.'iii.l coiiiiiniii.'s wlii.'h \\r\M .•lit.T'.variN iiiC'iiporati"! into tli." -ild lo.'iiiii'iil, ol liiL-nit ly. known as tin: " Itlark Wal'-li." Uu li'Ih<br />

Fi-lnaiary IT'JT In- oiitaiin^l a liarUT <strong>of</strong> ri'si-^'iiai ion ol lli.; l.unls <strong>of</strong> nalliu.laliijrli, an 1 ol li,,' lunv.lilaiy ollha- ot IJailii- ut Ih,' r.v.Mlity ol<br />

<strong>Grant</strong>. In ITol ho main, ulali-.l Lis aiiir- in tin' Lvou Olln-i'.' 1 L- ilicl in .Max 17oJ. Ii-aviii- issur. Anuc (irant I'li-iLaaasoil him in 17:i'J.<br />

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I<br />

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.11- Anm: IIkant.Ci; aci; Cii.vXT, lliMiiiTTA<br />

<strong>of</strong> 11AI.I.1M..M I..H II. llAI.I I.MIAI.I.IHII. f|.l.'-l clau-llli M-i;oll,l ilaii^'lucr. Im:-.M,<br />

i, lo \v1' ,• lu' A disliiriui^'. ..l sol, her in the Wo.: Iinlhin Mu' m:inir'l (c i mairii'il yi..i i-st<br />

was also sfi-vi'il ho;., on IMi K.- .' ii-y m-ia loo. \'> . iili .an inlorior foivo. !io iiaU'.l tiari iLaio.l ; (,-)iilra.l iLiKmI I'la'. 'Vut.<br />

173u. On litli I'V .wry 1733. ; vr- tin- Imviu-Ii (Joiut.iL fount .riOsiam •, omi- .1 uiio 1 7:.'0. .lol , l.sih li.-i. moor Sh. i, .ninl<br />

cuivfil ,1 crown r!i';lor <strong>of</strong> iv.-i.o;.;t?on |nc-ro.l Si. Luoni in 17711. ami was f.r many f'.nl.ivs, voiin.- K-'il), Ui'Or^;o, in li/il,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the lands <strong>of</strong> Uallimlallooli, c-t.-., ,iinl yars (onoriior <strong>of</strong> Klori.ia. (.In tin- I.Mth <strong>of</strong> ol Ncwo, ami 1;.. l .soo.m.l son ol AlcN:ii!iU-r<br />

Stnithrr.s, cic. II.' was a))|.oiiil".| a iiis ik.|.1ii'V. William, in 177", the siin-L'-sion isvii,.. She iln I .l..|ta M.a( |.!..'r- IJiv.lir ..f<br />

II.—OAITAIX ALi:.\AXIii;i; hi-i-oiioi<br />

jiiiiiei]ial im-ssiia;,'e. He imiiii.d T-li^'aiieth, ceeded by county <strong>of</strong> Our- ,Jo|iii Mackenzie <strong>of</strong> Messintulhch. to h n.im<br />

seeon.l daii,L;liter <strong>of</strong> Lndovick <strong>Grant</strong> ol tirantre- hi.s iieiiliew Iniiii, and by Woodstock, ami Innl she bore a dan;;liter,<br />

green, alteru aril- <strong>of</strong> lidvey, but on account <strong>of</strong> Geoij;e. her (who did issue. Her three Isabel, who maiiid<br />

incomiiatibility <strong>of</strong> t.iii] . 1 tliey se]>:uate.l in od.Maieh 17.-

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