The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland


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1773.] MAKCH OF Tin; GKAKTS TO KKITII. 419<br />

men to tlie nciu'libnui'liood and overawe the ix'bols, wlio were mucli afraid<br />

<strong>of</strong>tiie Sti'atlispev men. I\Ir. (iiaiit responded liy at once muKterint^' ii\'e or<br />

si.v lumdred men, wliom he marclied to Keith. Of tliis fact he notilled<br />

Loi'd Loudonn, on ]"(h Deccnil'or, in a letter Avritten o;. tlie f \'e <strong>of</strong><br />

seit'iiii; out, .-(atiny that lie feh it incnmhent npnii h''i. to p'-t-vent<br />

opj'i'-^sion to his riei.rhhours, and ^lie draLi'^'ini^' <strong>of</strong> theii" .<br />

nants<br />

vo the<br />

reliil army, and had therefore siniivnoned his clan, lie liojied to be at<br />

Keith next da^•, and tii kee]i tlie surrounding comitry quiet, until he heard<br />

fiu'ther from his Lurdship.'<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Grant</strong> men marched straiirht towards Keith, liut the weather<br />

\vas so e.xeessivelv wet, that two da3's after setting out, thev had<br />

oidy arrived in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> ^lulben, abi.iut four miles from Keith. (Jn<br />

]\lr. Cirant's ajiproach, the rebels disapjieared from that neighbourhodd, and<br />

I'eassembled at Fochabei's, to the number ef two or three hundred, under<br />

the command ol" tTordon <strong>of</strong> Avachy. Mr. <strong>Grant</strong> accordingly halted his<br />

men for rest and refreshment after their rapid march, preparatory to an<br />

attack on the rel>els. Here ^fr. <strong>Grant</strong> received a lettei' from Lord Find-<br />

later, enclosing the veply from President Forbes, and in reference to the<br />

re])orted movement <strong>of</strong> troops. Lord Findlater says, " All their proceedings<br />

will not secure our .safety unless a sutlicient right and trusty person is<br />

left in Banffshire, for Lord Lewis's small }iarties will stir as soon as they<br />

are past, if tliere is not foice enougli to suppress them." This opinion<br />

fully justified Mr. <strong>Grant</strong>'s independent action. Lord Findlatei- also<br />

excused himself from accompanying Lord Loudotm, on the score <strong>of</strong> ill<br />

liealth, but states tliat he had written to the sheritl'-deptites to jjrepare<br />

for the troops. lie gave Mr. <strong>Grant</strong> full power to act for him, if the<br />

sherifls were afivaid to move in the matter."<br />

At the same time, ]Mr. <strong>Grant</strong> also learned that Lord Loudoun had<br />

reached Moray, and that the rebels had brought the boats on Spey to the<br />

east or Fochabers side <strong>of</strong> the river. He therefore sent a- party <strong>of</strong> a luuidred<br />

men, who secured the Boat <strong>of</strong> Bridge, two miles further u{> the Spe}-. Mr.<br />

<strong>Grant</strong> then wrote to Sir Harry Lmes at Elgin, detailing what he had done,<br />

and promising protection to the town, also incpiiring about Macleod's<br />

' Vol. ii. <strong>of</strong> tliis work, p. I'Ji '^ t'opy Letter in AjiiKiidix to 5is. narrative <strong>of</strong> Lacblan <strong>Grant</strong>.

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