The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland


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•102<br />

POEM ON Sill JAMES GRANT r.v ^lus. Giiaxt <strong>of</strong> Lac;(;ax.<br />

WllD.E on the meailowj- hanlcs <strong>of</strong> Sjihi/,<br />

Slow steals along the lural niusi',<br />

And -sous the bordering flowers ilisphiy<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir native sweets and veMial hues<br />

And -while slie casts her pensive view<br />

Wjiere hold Cnii'jillnclnj asplies,<br />

Now deck'd with heath-bells fresh with diw,<br />

AVliere blaz'd <strong>of</strong> old the warning fires:<br />

Witli glowing heart and treniljling hand<br />

She strives to wake the jilau.-.ive lay ;<br />

And wide o'er all her native land<br />

<strong>The</strong> voice <strong>of</strong> grateful trutli convey.<br />

And while she eousecrates llie strain.<br />

To worth beyond her humble praise,<br />

<strong>The</strong> genius <strong>of</strong> thy native plain<br />

Will smile indulgent on her lays.<br />

Oh, form'd to prove each feeling dear<br />

That heiglitens joy and sweetens care,<br />

<strong>The</strong> tender Parent, Friend sincere.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Consort blest beyond compare :<br />

<strong>The</strong> Patriot Chief, who dwells belov'd<br />

Among the race his fathers sway'd ;<br />

Who, long his country's friend apjirov'd.<br />

Retires in peace to bless the shade.<br />

Who when the dreadful blast <strong>of</strong> war<br />

With liorror fdl'd the regions round.<br />

His willing jieople call'd from far.<br />

With wakening jiipe <strong>of</strong> martial sound :<br />

<strong>The</strong> valiant clan, on every side,<br />

With sudden warlike ardour burns ;<br />

And views tliose longdov'd homes with pride,<br />

Wliose loss no cxil'd native mourns.

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