The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland

The chiefs of Grant - Electric Scotland


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\ll.- JOHN (;|;ANT, hfth hi- Ki:i:i-chik,<br />

Who was iiitVIt in the InmU nl' t^ii rii-imir.y ;in'l irtluis ill l."iS'_'. lie mioceudi'd<br />

his grniiill'atlu'r in the<br />

lie anil othi'Vs \ww fMiiiiiU-.l<br />

ostili! <strong>of</strong><br />

Imin Mio<br />

Vicm-hiu l>i>foi\- ];'i¥i). In l.'il'O<br />

Earl <strong>of</strong> lluntly's lOiiiinijsinii <strong>of</strong><br />

justiciary. In ].".',HI 1il> untona into a boinl to kee|> :,'ooil niie in tlu-<br />

Highlands.<br />

he acciuiivd<br />

In I.'j'.il; lie<br />

I'roiu Jaiiifs,<br />

ivi-iivid a commi.-siou ol ,in»ticiary. hi Itiuii,<br />

Karl ol Moray, tin! Lnuu-liil' <strong>of</strong> AniiiNivniY,<br />

iiinl from T-'.-Mias Nairn ol ('roimlah',<br />

receivL'il iiu; mis honils ul' n.aM">'nt Iron<br />

i<br />

i>i;i)i(;i,i:i-; <strong>of</strong> tiii; cmi:i's ok ciian'I'. r)(il<br />

till', lands <strong>of</strong> fliioiiui.E. lie<br />

members <strong>of</strong> his elan, ai.''. eiitererl<br />

..niring barons, lu lijl ; lie look<br />

I I<br />

I I<br />

J.\Mi:.s <strong>of</strong> Aidiieidlie niul Logic, aiioeslor <strong>of</strong> the<br />

(iraiits <strong>of</strong> Mnyiiess. He marric'd, in 10(12,<br />

Katharine, d.uigliter <strong>of</strong> William Jo 'se <strong>of</strong><br />

KilraviH h. lie died lielore It)'.';).<br />

I'.vlTiHiv <strong>of</strong> K.isler Kleliies. He had eli arters<br />

<strong>of</strong> Slionie ill L'/SSI ami l.'iDo. Jle wa s pro-<br />

,'enilor <strong>of</strong> the (Jraiils <strong>of</strong> K.ister 1-lehies;.<br />

,SVrj<br />

separate I'edii^ree <strong>of</strong>t' family.<br />

i<br />

'<br />

.<br />

:<br />

into variou .iil.ar coiitr.icis '.. i-,;i nLM;^!;<br />

ji.art ai^aiiis! Mai-'^rou'ors, .oi i the san year he and his ai.line, eoiitr.iel dated lotli A)jril l,"i!il, and<br />

by her, who snrxived him nd died in ItUo, had issue one son and four<br />

1;oBi:HT<strong>of</strong> Lnrg. aneesbir I lhe<strong>Grant</strong>.s<strong>of</strong> Lurg.<br />

On 7th JunelUlitihe h, a lease <strong>of</strong> CI; leliaig<br />

to himself and his \vi: . Catherine .St. wart.<br />

&c separate I'edigree.<br />

DuxiWN <strong>of</strong> Daiiduleilli. He died before 1C20,<br />

leaving two sons, .lohn who sneceedei I him<br />

daughters, lie was sneeee 1 by his son.<br />

ill Daiidaleitli, and Janie.><br />

XIII. -Sill .T(.)ll.\' CllANI'. SIXTH .IF Kuicriiiii', Knmht,<br />

Who during liis father's lifelime was designed Sir .bjhn Giant <strong>of</strong><br />

IMulbeii, being knigliled by King .lames VI. He was bom on<br />

17th August \:>i»i. In lii'JO he was eonjoined with his father in<br />

the coniniis^ion against gipsies. On I'.lth Felirnary loiIO he was<br />

retoured heir to his father in the lands <strong>of</strong> Letlien. He iveciveil<br />

various eoinmissions against rebels, and was commended to the<br />

Privy Council for his activity. He die.l in llJ07, his testament<br />

being dated on 31st March in that year. He married, eontraet<br />

dated nth December lOKi. :\larv.'daimliter <strong>of</strong> Lord Ogilvie <strong>of</strong><br />

DesklVird, who survived him. IJy her he had eieiit sons and<br />

three daughters. He was succeeded by his eldest sou.<br />

I<br />

XIV.-JAMKSGKANT, sfvfxth <strong>of</strong><br />

I'llKUCHIF,<br />

Who was just <strong>of</strong> aec w hen Ids father died,<br />

being born in 1010. He supported the<br />

Covenant in l'!10, Imt alterwarLls joined<br />

the Manpiis <strong>of</strong> Montrose, liutn \*hom he<br />

I'cceived a et'iiimission to raise ineu tor<br />

the King's service. He and his elan<br />

joined ill a solemn liond ol i-.mibin.rtion<br />

on behalf <strong>of</strong> his Majestv. ilated :iOth<br />

March lOl.'i. On loth February li;,",7 he<br />

received tioiii General Monde a]iermitfor<br />

himself and his tenants to retain their<br />

arms. He died inSeptemljerltiOo. He<br />

married, in 1010, I.aily 3Iary Stewart,<br />

daughter <strong>of</strong> James, second I'arl <strong>of</strong> .Murray,<br />

by whom he had issue, w ho survived<br />

him, two s,,ns and three daughters.<br />

He was sneceeded by his eldest son.<br />

! I<br />

Pathic'K, <strong>of</strong> Chiniemoir, a lit-nteniint-coloiiol.<br />

lie wn-^ tutor<br />

ul' <strong>Grant</strong> alter thi^ death ot* lii.-.<br />

brotlitr .fames in IGij-i. He<br />

nian-K'il, tir>t, SurherlaiHl,<br />

(lani^liU'i'<strong>of</strong>tLe I,;unl<strong>of</strong> Jhufu-,<br />

\>y whom he had issue tlirce<br />

daugliturs. }U^ second wife<br />

was r!>iiiilla, daughter <strong>of</strong> Kcnin-th<br />

.M.i' ken/.ie, Lord Kintaih<br />

IJyhcrhu hail no i-->xie. Miiry,<br />

tlie seroiid liauglittr, married<br />

Patriek <strong>Grant</strong> or JIacal]>in <strong>of</strong><br />

Ilothitnunvhus.<br />

Alkxandlr, \v1io Avas livini:; in<br />

1G05. He married Elizaheth<br />

Nairn, and had issue two<br />

dauditers.<br />

I I I<br />

.'\NX.iS, married (contract dated 16tli August 1611)<br />

Sir Laehlau Mackintosh <strong>of</strong> that Ilk. She died<br />

in llcJt, leaving issue.<br />

.J.iNi T. married, contract daUd I'th September Itjl-',<br />

William Sutlieiland ot Dutlus. 'I'lie Laird <strong>of</strong><br />

iHltfus died lilst October ll)2o, leaving i.-sne.<br />

Lll.IAS, born l.opa, married, before imi, Sir Walter<br />

Innes <strong>of</strong> Balveny, and had issue.<br />

K.vTiiKKiNE, married Ogilvie <strong>of</strong> Kineairn, and had i-.suc.<br />

XV. — LUHOVICK GlIAN'f, kioiith fiF FiiEfcniK axd kii!s,t <strong>of</strong> <strong>Grant</strong>,<br />

Who was retoureil heir t.. his tatiu'r in lOO.j. lie was lined by King James vii. in the sum<br />

<strong>of</strong> .l.'42,.'.o0 Soots, for which h.' leeidve.l a discharge, Sttli January lOi.'i. In lOstl he was<br />

appointed colonel <strong>of</strong> a r.'ginieiit, ami prineip.il siierilf <strong>of</strong> Inverness. He raised, in lO'.'O,<br />

on behalf <strong>of</strong> the (iovernmeiit, a regiment <strong>of</strong> OoO "i his clan. In lOfli he h.a.l liis Ian. Is<br />

erected into the Uloalitv ufGua.xt. He was thereafter called GltANT oF (Jrant. He<br />

did at K.linburgh in Xovember 1710. He man ie.l. first, contract datc.l 2otli December<br />

1671, Janet, only child <strong>of</strong> Al.-.\aiider Brodie <strong>of</strong> Letlien. By her, who dieil in 10;'7, he<br />

had four sons and foir il.iughteis. He marrie.l, secondly, in 1701. Jean, daughter <strong>of</strong> Sir<br />

John llonstoun ..I that I!k, without issue. He was suecee.le.l by his el. lest son.<br />

XVI.<br />

I<br />

1. ALKXAXDEl; GK.VNT<br />

OF <strong>Grant</strong>,<br />

Who entered the army aii'l r.>-e t') the rank <strong>of</strong><br />

Brigailier-Geueral. Hi' was .also Lord-Lieutenant<br />

<strong>of</strong> Inverness an. 1 llaiilV. He married,<br />

first, in lO'J'.i, Kli/abeth Stewart, ehlest<br />

daught.T <strong>of</strong> Jaice- Lor.l Houne, son and<br />

a])liarent heir <strong>of</strong> .\l.-xaiider, sixth Earl <strong>of</strong><br />

Murray ; ami sccmlly, .\nne, daughter <strong>of</strong><br />

John Smith, Sjieaker <strong>of</strong> the H.uise <strong>of</strong> Commons,<br />

but ha.l no surviving is-iie. On his<br />

first marriage his father te>,i_'iie.l the barony<br />

and on<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ur.inliai t and other lan.ls to him ;<br />

his .seeon.l marriag.', in 17u!i, his father resigne.l.<br />

111 1710, all his estates t.i liim. He<br />

suecee.le.l his lather in November 1710, and<br />

died at Leith on Ittli .\iignsl 17Di. He<br />

was succeeded by hi.s brother James.<br />

XVI.— 2. SIR JAMES GRANT <strong>of</strong><br />

Guaxt, Bauoxft,<br />

Who suc.'eedeil his brother as Lair.l<br />

ol <strong>Grant</strong>, was born 20tli July 107ii.<br />

He marrie.l. on 29th January 1702,<br />

Anne, ilaii'_'litcr ami In-ircss (>f Sir<br />

Humphrey Cohinhonn ^if Luss,<br />

Baronet, and su.'ce.-ded his fatherin-law<br />

in his estates an. I title iu<br />

1713. On his succesMon to the<br />

estates .if <strong>Grant</strong>, he resume. 1 his<br />

own surnanii'. retaining the title <strong>of</strong><br />

B.ir.uiet. lie wa.s an M.P. for<br />

many years, representing t he c.iunty<br />

<strong>of</strong> Inverness, aiul .lie.l in L.m.lon on<br />

lOtli January 1747. By his wile,<br />

who ilie.l on 2.'ith June 1724. he ha.l<br />

issue si.x sons an.l eight daughters.<br />

a<br />

I I I I<br />

Gkoiic^k, a m.ajor in the army. He was<br />

a]>]iointeil Governor <strong>of</strong> liumbaiton<br />

Castle. He was alive in 107J, and<br />

died s.p,<br />

KdUEP.T, who in 1010 witnessed the<br />

marriage-eontraet <strong>of</strong> his sister Anne.<br />

He died before 22.1 Augu.st lOoi,<br />

leaving L-sue.<br />

MUXGO, lifth son uliri' in IGal. He w as<br />

twice married : liist, to Marg.aret<br />

Gor.lon ; sceon.l, to Klizabeth (irant<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gartinmore. In 1007 he aetpiired<br />

Kinchirdie. .SV.- sej.arate Pedigree <strong>of</strong><br />

Gk.vnts <strong>of</strong> Kixciiiudie, htc.<br />

Thomas <strong>of</strong> B.alniacaan, born 1G37, married,<br />

in 1082, Mary,

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