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129<br />

Madrepora<br />

Hydnopbora<br />

contignatio<br />

contignatio<br />

ehrenberg;<br />

paT/dis<br />

gyro",<br />

1980, HEAD, 152, 460.<br />

1775 . FDRSKAL. 134.<br />

1879. KLUNZINGER 3, 22; pis. 1/ 2. J; 9/ 12a- c (synonymy).<br />

1888. ORTMANN, 172.<br />

1906. v. t\tARENZELLER. 81; pis. 23/82ai 24/ 82.<br />

1928, MATIHA1 , ISS ; pis. 1513 ; 1717- 9 ; 18/1-3,6; 46/ 2 (synonymy).<br />

1941. CROSSLAND, 39.<br />

1971. LOYA & SLOBODKIN, 124.<br />

1857, MILNE EDWARDS (& HAIME), 423 ; pI. DSn<br />

1904. GARDINER, 764; pI. 60/11.<br />

1857 . ~ULNE EDWARDS (& HAIME ), 423.<br />

1879. KLUNZINGER 3. 23.<br />

lohata 1857. MILNE EDWARDS ( & HAIM.E). 421.<br />

1879. KLUNZINGER 3. 20.<br />

1889, ORTMANN, 525.<br />

maJdivenris 1904 , GARDINER. 765; pI. 60/ 12 .<br />

te"ello 1886. QUELCH, 96; pI. 5/8 , 8a.<br />

We have a good suit of specimens before us which show marked skeletal variations, particularly in the<br />

form of growth and in the length and thickness of monticules. They are encrusting, explanate, with free<br />

edges and foliate, some are fan~haped , or they show subramose coralla.<br />

Material:<br />

Gulf of Suez: J erus.<br />

T. Aviv<br />

SLR<br />

NS<br />

834 (Et Tur).<br />

8395 , 8426, 8429 (Ras Matarma); 3208 (Et Tur) ; 8381 , 8382,8435<br />

(Ras el Kanisa).<br />

Gulf of Aqaba: T. Aviv NS 1365 , 5061 , 5062, E55 /548b (Eilat); 4943 (Dahab); 1855 (Shurat el<br />

,"Ianqata).<br />

Basel PW 73554, 555 , 596 (40 m) (Fara'un Isl.); 73 702 , 709 (Dahab);<br />

I ex. without o.<br />

orthern R. S.: USNM Wa 107 (Ghardaqa).<br />

HLM X2: 2- 18,25 (Gubal lsl. , 9 m); 3- 44 (Guballsl., 15 m).<br />

Central R. S.: HLM EC 1326 (Djiddah).<br />

P. Sud. Sa 9,100 (Sanganeb R. ).<br />

HLM RM 23 , 24 (Wingate R.).<br />

Dis t rib uti 0 n : Red Sea ; East Africa (GRAVLER, 1911); Aldabra; Mauritius; Rod riguez ; Chagos ;<br />

Maldives ; South India; Ceylon ; Cocos-Keeling Isis.; Andaman and icobar Isis.; Mergui Archipelago;<br />

East Indies; China Sea; Philippines; Taiwan ; Japan ; Palau Isis.; Caroline Isis.; New Guinea ; Great Barrier<br />

Reef; New Caledonia; Marshall Isis.; Ellice Isis.; Fiji; Samoa.<br />

Subfamily Montastreinae VAUGHAN and WELLS, 1943<br />

Genus Diploastrea MA TTHAI, 191 4<br />

Type species: Astreabeliopora LAMARCK, 1816.<br />

G e n e ric c h a r act e r s: " Corallum encrusting or massive. Corallites circular, nor projecting. Walls<br />

fused and perforate, hence peritheca almost absent. Calices shallow. Septa in not less than two orders,<br />

the first two enrocoelic, each consisting of twelve septa, exsert, much thickened towards their outer ends.<br />

Columella formed of twisted trabeculae from septal margins. Calicular dissepiments oblique" (MATTHAI,<br />

1914: 72).<br />

The genus is monospecific.<br />

Diploastrea beliopora (LAMARCK ), 1816<br />

( Plat~ 31, Fig. 6)<br />

Astrea<br />

Dip/oastrell<br />

beliopora 1816. LAMARCK 2, 1816, 265 (Type locality : Australia).<br />

b~liopora 1914, MATIHAr. 72; pis. 2017 , 8 ; 34/ 9.

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