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39<br />

Madrepora<br />

cytherea<br />

( non cytbeua<br />

1925. HOFFMEISTER, 62, pI. 1l/!3- c.<br />

19l2, THIEL, 121,pls. 18/ 2, 19/ 2.<br />

1954, ROSSI , 48, pI. 6/ 1.<br />

1954, WELLS, 420 , pis. 116/l - 6 , 11711 . 2.<br />

1967, SCHEER, 424.<br />

1971 , LOVA & SLOBODK1N, 12l.<br />

1974, MERGNER & SCHUHMACHER , 264.<br />

1980, HEAD, 148,44l.<br />

1879, K LUNZINGER 2, 25 , pis. 214 .. b, 4/2, 9/ 20.<br />

1846, DANA. 44I , pl. J2Il"b.)<br />

A. corymbosa and A. hyacinthus are said ro be common in Red Sea as is the case in several other parts<br />

of the Indo-Pacific. Young colonies of these are often very difficult ro separate, especially in view of the<br />

wide skeletal variation displayed. However, fu lly developed adult coralla of these twO species differ in<br />

the following respects:<br />

A. corymbosa A. hyacinthus<br />

Radials about 2 or more mm in diameter, labellate,<br />

round-lipped, spreading 45 ro 60·, length average<br />

2mm.<br />

Radials aboul 1.5 mm in diameter, appressed , ascending<br />

lips not always rounded, length 2 ro 4 mm .<br />

We have studied EHRENBERG's speci mens in Berlin Museum (Nos. 882 and 884 ). The present material<br />

includes many coralla which we place under A. corymbosa, they are either entire colo nies or parts of vasiform<br />

ones.<br />

We are fo llowi ng MARENZELLER (1906) in merging KLUNZINGER 'S cytherea (non DANA's cytherea)<br />

with A. corymbosa. KLUNZINGER reports o n long- and thin-lipped calices of his cytherea (2, 1879, pI. 9,<br />

fig . 20b). We have found , as MARE NZE LLER, transitional forms between A. corymbosa and KLUNZINGER 's<br />

cytherea, for example EC 134 and also some specimens in the collection SCHUHMACHER. Another coral,<br />

SCHUHMACHER No. 83, shows a great ma ny of calices with lo ng and acute lips.<br />

M a t e ri a l:<br />

Gulf of Suez:<br />

Gulf o f Aqaba :<br />

orthern R. S.:<br />

Central R. S.:<br />

J erus.<br />

T. Aviv<br />

Jerus.<br />

T . Aviv<br />

USNM<br />

HLM<br />

SLR<br />

S<br />

SLR<br />

NS<br />

Wa<br />

EC<br />

2249- 2 , 2938- 1, 3040 (Ras el Misalla); 2144-1 , 2158- 1, 2 (Et Tur).<br />

8425 (Ras Matarma).<br />

1064 (Fara'un Isl.); 389b (Marsa Murach) ; 450- 1,2 (El Kura) .<br />

231 , 232 , 1280- 1, 2, 1342 , 1367 (Eilat); 4909 (Wassit );<br />

4827 (Ras Atantur); 51 24 (Shurat el Manqata).<br />

13 (Ghardaqa)<br />

425 (Shadwan Isl. ); 54 (Koseir, duplicate from KLUNZINGER);<br />

285,508 (Ras Abu Hagar).<br />

P. Sud. Sa 28 (Sanganeb R.).<br />

Schuhmacher 83 (Sa nganeb R.).<br />

HLM EC 134 (Sa nganeb R.) ; 1369 (Djiddah).<br />

RM 7 , 6 3, 114 (Wingate R.).<br />

Southern R . S.: HLM X2 : 9- 9 (Sarso Isl.).<br />

Dis t rib uti 0 n : Red Sea, throughout Indo-Pacific as for east as Tuamotu Archipelago.<br />

A cropora hyacintbus (DANA), 1846<br />

( Plat~ 6, Fig. 7; Plat~ 1, Fig. 4)<br />

MadreportJ<br />

Acropora<br />

Madrepora<br />

byacinlbus 1846 . DANA, 444; pI. 32/2 (Typt: locaJiry : Fiji).<br />

1893, BROOK, 107 (synonymy).<br />

byaci,ubus 1925. HOFFMEISTE R, 64: pi s. 1313 ; 14/ 1a- d.<br />

1954 , WELLS, 421 i pis. 118/3. 4-; 12013- 5.<br />

1971. LOVA & SLOBODKIN. 123.<br />

1976, PI LLAI & SCHEER. 29.<br />

1978, WALLACE. 288; pis. 63 ; 64A-C; 65: 66/ A. 8 (synonymy),<br />

arcuata 1893, BROOK, 102; pI. 12.<br />

armata 1893, BROOK , 68; pI. 4 /A. B.

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