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8 3<br />

Costae correspond to septa, major costae 2 to 3 mm high and thick at the periphery of the disc, low<br />

and thin at the centre. Costal teeth 2 to 3 mm high, pointed at the tip, larger ones bifurcated, 1 to 2 mm<br />

thick at the base. Two almost complete rings of ridges formed by coenenchymal deposition bridge all<br />

costae at the underside.<br />

PW 73606 is a dead coral piece covered with calcareous algae and with three attached small and very<br />

young Fungiae, which we put with a query to F. scruposa.<br />

Mate rial:<br />

Gulf of Aqaba: Basel PW 71305 (juv., Eilat, 40 m) ; 73 606 (? , juv., Fara 'un Isl.).<br />

orther R. S.: HLM EC 515 (Ras Abu Hagar).<br />

Di s t rib uti on : Red Sea; East Indies (v. d. HORST, 1921 ); Japan ; Great Barrier Reef.<br />

Rem ark s: The major distinctions between the present species and F. horrida are in the highly<br />

lacerated and irregular teeth and the better perforation at the undersurface of F. scruposa. More specimens<br />

are to be examined to ascertain the relationship of these two forms.<br />

Fungia<br />

Fungia horrida DANA , 1846<br />

(Pl ate 19, Figs. 5, 6)<br />

1846. DANA, 298; pI. 19/7 (Type locality: Fiji).<br />

1902. DOEDERlEIN. 122; pI. 14/ 1, lao<br />

1906. v. MARENZELLER. 89.<br />

1909. GARDINER. 267.<br />

1924, MATIHAI . 44; pis. 9 /2; 10/6.<br />

1925. BOSCHMA. 66; pI. 1214 . 6.<br />

1979. SCHUHMACHER, 2 10.<br />

1980, VERON & PICHON. 139; figs. 226- 230 (synonymy).<br />

1980. HEAD. 150. 452.<br />

field; 1909. GARDINER. 277; pis. 3313. 4; 3417.<br />

rnadagascariensis 1906a, VAUGHAN, 831 ; pis. 72; 73 ; 74/ 3.<br />

tKJlida 1879. KLUNZINGER 3, 62 : pI. 8/7,8 (non VE RRILL, 1864).<br />

The present specimens are either arched or flat. One of our speci mens (S LR 1226) is an attached stage.<br />

The adult specimens have prominent septal dentations characteristic of this species. A specimen from<br />

USN M (Wa 43 ), which we examined , is a circular flat disc with a greater diameter of 18 cm. Axial fossa<br />

only 3 cm long and 0.5 cm wide . It agrees to KLU ZINGER's description of F. valida (non VERRILL).<br />

There are 3 to 4 large teeth per cm length of septum.<br />

Material:<br />

Gulf of Aqaba: )erus. SLR 1226 (juv., Fara'un Isl.) ; 395 - 1 (Marsa Murach).<br />

T. Aviv NS 6160 (juv.) , 9294 (Eilat).<br />

Northern R. S.: USNM Wa 43 (Ghardaqa).<br />

HLM X2 : 2- 26 (?, juv., Guballsl.).<br />

Central R. S.: P. Sud . Sa 104 (Sanganeb R.).<br />

Dis t rib uti o n: Red Sea ; Madagascar; East Indies; Philippines; Great Barrier Reef; Fiji ; Tahiti .<br />

Rem a rk s: The difference between F. horrida and F. valida VERRILL (type locality: Zanzibar) is<br />

slight. According to DOEDERLEIN (J 902) KLUNZ INGER 's F. valida is only F. horrida and not conspecific<br />

with that of VERRI LL.<br />

The type of F. fieldi GARDINER ( 1909) in the Zoological Museum of Cambridge University is a disc·<br />

shaped coraUum with every fourth septum broader than the intervening ones. The costal spines are swollen,<br />

the larger ones are up to 7 mm high.<br />

The type of F. madagascariensis VAUGHAN (1906a) is USNM 21141, a very heavy specimen, which<br />

shows little variation from F. fieldi and F. valida.<br />

It appears to the present authors that all the species mentioned here are skeletal variants of one and<br />

the same species which should be called F. horrida.<br />

12 ZooiogiCI, 133

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