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138<br />

diameter, walilirrle elevated, rouching ro 5 mm aparr. Primary septa about 1 mm exserr with one or two<br />

frosted teeth at the exserr parr. Costae are represented by 2 ro 3 spines on the wall, beyond that the<br />

perithecal costae are indistinct or they are su nk. Bur in one specimen their course is marked by low spines.<br />

Furrher examples of this facies: X2 :2-14; EC 315 , 486, 487 .<br />

Material :<br />

Gulf of Suez: Jerus. SLR 826, 833, 8 39, 2 138, 2141 , 2 143 , 2149 (Et T ur).<br />

T. Aviv S 1903, 3206 (Et Tur); 8 192 (Ras el Kanisa).<br />

HLM X2 : 1- 6 (Ras Shukheir).<br />

Gulf of Aqaba : jerus. SLR 1065- 1,2 (Fara'un Isl. ); 369-1, 2, 370, 372, 378, 389a, 39 1 (Marsa<br />

Norrhern R. S.:<br />

T. Aviv<br />

Basel<br />

J erus.<br />

USNM<br />

HLM<br />

Murach) ; 2287 (EI Hamira) ; 11 7 1 (Marsa eI MuqeibIa) ; 453 (EI Kura);<br />

644 (Marsa Abu Zabad).<br />

S 6 341 ,8373 ,8375 (Eilat); 1924,1925 (MarsaMurach) ; 1897, 4921,<br />

4932 , 49 38,4966, 4986 (Dahab); 4807,4842,4881,4882 (Ras Atanrur);<br />

1854 (Shurat el Manqata).<br />

PW 7 3585 , 597 (Fara'un Isl.) ; 7 3 697 (EI Kura) .<br />

SLR 813 ( Ras Muhammad).<br />

Wa 85,86,87, 108 , 109 (Ghardaqa).<br />

X2: 2-3,9, 14 , IS , 3- 11 , 12 , 36 (Gubal lsl.).<br />

EC 431 (S hadwa n Isl.); 486, 487 (Ras Abu Sum.); 503 (Safaga Isl.);<br />

78 ( Koseir, duplicate from KL UNZ INGE R as E. ehrenbergi); 315, 31 6,<br />

317 , 318, 319 (Ras Abu Hagar).<br />

Central R. 5.: HLM EC 1380 (Djiddah).<br />

P. Sud. Sa 13 , 21 , 33 , 43 , 60,69,79 (Sanganeb R.).<br />

US M Wa 88, 89 (Dongonab).<br />

HLM RM 25, 25a, 26, 27 , 28, 28a, 101 (Wingate R.).<br />

X2 : 8- 23 (Shaab Anbar).<br />

Southern R. S.: HLM X2 : 9- 1, 13 - 9, 10 (Sarso Isl.).<br />

EC 405,406,407 , 408,409, 4 10 (Massawa).<br />

D is t ribution : Red Sea; East Africa; Seychelles; Madagascar (PI CHO N, 1964); Reunion ; East<br />

Indies (UMBGROV E, 19 39) ; New Caledonia; Loyalty Isis.; Great Barrier Reef.<br />

R e m a rk s: It is interesting ro note that the present set o f specime ns displays a wide range of skeletal<br />

variations parricularly in the growth form. Specimens with highly exserr primary septa and very conspicuous<br />

costal spines resemble E. !Jirsutissirna. The foliaceous growth with miniature colonies at the underside<br />

is si milar ro that reporred for E. larnellosa by BOSCHMA (1928) and BOSCHMA & VERW EY (1930).<br />

The fron d with upward digitiform branches is similar ro E. borrida. The specimens with protruding,<br />

co nical corallites correspond ro Orbicella rnarnrnillosa KL UNZINGE R and ro E. fors kaliana (MILNE<br />

EDWARDS & HAIM E) from WIJ SMA N-BEST (1980).<br />

These all show that the growthform in thi s genus is subjected ro much va riation within the species,<br />

that this alone is not a reliable specific criterion. We are convinced that, besides E. larnellosa, all other<br />

Echinopora fo rms from Red Sea, listed in the synonymy, belong ro only one species, ro E. ge rnrnacea.<br />

Genus Plesiastrea MILNE EDWARDS and HAIME , 1848<br />

T Y pes p ee i men : Astrea versipora LAMARCK, 1816.<br />

G e n e r ic c h a r act e r s: Corallum rounded , flat or encrusting. Plocoid with circular corallites of<br />

about 3 mm in diameter, produced by extratenracular budd ing. In front o f all major septa are true palis,<br />

arranged in form of two crowns in most of the cal ices. This is the most striking character o f t he genus.

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