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174<br />

cocc inea 1834, LESSON. 515; pl. 1-<br />

Coenopsammia ehrenberguma 1860. ftULNE EDWARDS (& HAIME), 127.<br />

1879, KLUNZINGER 2, 56 ; pI. 8/9.<br />

1889, ORTMANN, 512.<br />

1906, y , MARENZELLER, 74.<br />

Dendropbyllia mann; 1907, VAUGHAN. 156; pI. 4616. 6a, 7. 7a .<br />

Coenopsarnmia willey; 1899, GARDINER, 359; pI. 34.<br />

The characters of the species are already summarized under the synopsis of Tubastraea, Though we<br />

have some colonies of Tubastraea in the present collection, only one seems to be referable to this species.<br />

Materi a l:<br />

Gulf of Aqaba: Jerus. SLR 1384- 1 (Wadi Treibe).<br />

Dis t rib u t i 0 n : Red Sea; Madagascar (PICHON , 1964); Chagos ; Maldives; Gulf of Mannar (PILLAI,<br />

1972); Ceylon; Mergui Archipelago; Cocos-Keeling IsIs ,; Singapore; East Indies; Japan ; Great Barrier Reef;<br />

Loyalty IsIs. ; Fanning IsIs .; Society IsIs .; Hawaii IsIs,<br />

Rem ark s : We consider, with other authors, Dendrophyllia manni and Coenopsammia willeyi as<br />

synonym with Tubastraea aurea. Already VAUGHAN (1918: 144) wrote: " I should not be surprised if<br />

large suites of specimens showed that D. aurea, D. danae, D. manni and D. willeyi were variants of the<br />

same species",<br />

Another species of Tubastraea is T. tenuilamellosa (M I LNE EDWARDS & HAIME). BOSCHMA (19;3 :<br />

110) writes: "it is by no means certain that T. tenuilamellosa is specifically distinct from T. aurea, because<br />

the characters on which distinction is based are subject to variation". When the two species prove to be<br />

the same, then T. aurea extends its di rriburion to Galapagos, Gulf of California and Westindies, and<br />

becomes one of the few cosmopolitan corals.<br />

CAIRNS (1979 : 205) states that from the western Atlantic shallow-water ahermatypic scleractinia<br />

" only one species is circumtropical, Tubastraea coccinea", It seems that CAIRNS gives priority to T.<br />

coccinea before T, aurea, In Table 4 (1979 : 207) he mentions " Tubastraea coccinea LESSON, 1831"<br />

instead of 1834 as usual , but he gives no reference for LESSON , 1831.<br />

Tubastraea diaphana (DANA ), 1846<br />

(Fig. 5 ; Plate 41. Figs. 1-4)<br />

Dendropbyllia diapbana 1846, DANA. 389 ; pI. 27/ 3 (Type locality: Singapore).<br />

1872, VERRILL. 384.<br />

1918 , VAUGHAN , 144 ; pI. 6012, 2a, 3, 3a.<br />

1925 . HOFFMEISTER. 48.<br />

We refer most of our Tubastraea colonies with some doubts to this species. It differs from T. aurea<br />

mainly in the elevation of the corallites (10 ro 20 mm) and the greater depth of calices, in the mostly<br />

subdendroid form of budding and in the colour of the living tissue. One of us (SCHEER ) has examined<br />

DANA'S type, No . 180 in the U.S.National Museum (Fig. 5),<br />

Materi a l :<br />

Gulf of Aqaba: T. Aviv S 254, E56 /257 (E ilat),<br />

Northern R. S.: HLM X2 : 3-23 (G uballsl.).<br />

Central R. S.: HLM RM 50- 1, 2, 50a (Wingate R.) .<br />

Dis t rib uti 0 n: Red Sea; Cocos-Keeling IsIs.; Singapore; Great Barrier Reef (STEPHENSON & WELLS ,<br />

1956); Fiji (QUELCH , 1886); Samoa (HOFFMEISTER , 1925),<br />

Rem" r k s: BOSCHMA (1953 : 113) expresses the opinion, that " Dendrophyllia diaphana DANA in<br />

all probalility is a young colony of Tubastraea aurea (QUOY & GAIMARD )", However, we consider the<br />

species as different from T. aurea and report it for the first time from the Red Sea,

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