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84<br />

FllngiD<br />

kllln':.ingeri<br />

Fungia klunzingeri DOEDERLEI N, 1901<br />

(Pl ate 19. Figs. 7. 8)<br />

1901, DOEDE RLEIN , 358 (Type locality: Red Sea).<br />

1902, DDEDERLE1N , 124 ; pl~ 1511, 10; 16/4 (?, j uv.).<br />

1909. GARDINER, 267.<br />

1979 , SCHUHMACHER, 225 ; figs. 19 (right ), 20 (right).<br />

1980, VERON & PICHON, 144; figs. 234- 235 ,<br />

We have six speci mens which we assign to this species. Two are slightly arched and four are flat discs<br />

with unequal septa and short central fossae . The septa of lower cycles are mardekly exsert, Edges of septa<br />

with regu lar, more or less tria ngular dentations. Costae correspond ing to lower cycles of septa well develo<br />

ped , laminar with numerous spines. They are separated by lower and shorter costae without spines.<br />

Underside not perforated.<br />

NS 3069 is a contorted specimen with a greater diameter of 7.5 cm. The higher order costae bear<br />

only few thin spinulose spines, sometimes arborescent or confluent.<br />

X2 : 3- 29 is a flat disc with a diameter of 18 cm. Septa are regularly dentate with about '4 teeth per<br />

em, Costae corresponding to lower order septa very prominent, laminar with coarse spi nes, which are<br />

very spinulose, tufted or arborescent. Centre of the disc only granulated. Scar of attachement present.<br />

Materi a l :<br />

Gulf of Suez:<br />

Gulf of Aq aba:<br />

Jerus. SLR 841- 1, 2 (Et Tur).<br />

T. Aviv NS 3069,9295 (Eilat).<br />

Basel PW 73584 (Eilat, 40- 45 m) .<br />

Northern R. S.: HLM X2 : 3- 29 (Guballs!.).<br />

Central R. S.: HLM RM 74 (Wingate R.).<br />

Di s t rib uti 0 n : Red Sea ; Great Barrier Reef.<br />

Madrepora<br />

Flmgw<br />

Fungia [ungites (LI NNAEUS), 1758<br />

(Pl ate 20. Figs. 1- 5)<br />

[ungites 1758. LlNNAEUS , 793 (Type locality: Red Sea).<br />

1775. FO RSKA L. 1l4.<br />

1776. FORSKAL. 14; pI. 4211 - 3.<br />

Jungites 1902. DOEDERLEIN, 136 ; pis. 20-25 (synonymy).<br />

1906. v. MARENZELLER. 89.<br />

1941. CROSSLAND, 40.<br />

1954, ROSS1 , 41.<br />

1967. SCHEE R. 428.<br />

1971 . LO VA & SLOBODK1N, 123.<br />

1974, MERGNER & SC HUHMACHER, 264.<br />

1974. SCHEER & PILLAI. 38 (synonymy).<br />

1976. PILLAI & SC HEE R. 44.<br />

1979, SC HUHMACHER, 234 ; figs. 26, 27 (righ t).<br />

1980. VERON & PICHON, 129; figs. 206- 213. 755, 757 (synonymy).<br />

1980, HEA D. 150.452.<br />

agaricifonnis 1834. EHRENBERG. 272.<br />

1841 , LEUCKART. 42; pI. 4/ 1-4.<br />

confertifolia 1860, MILNE EDWARDS (& HAIME), 10.<br />

patella 1860, MI LNE EDWARDS (& HAIME). 7.<br />

1879. KLUNZINGER 3,6 1; pI s. 7/4; 8/2 (synonymy).<br />

1888, FAUROT, 119.<br />

1889, ORTMANN. 519.<br />

tenuifolia 1860. MILNE EDWARDS (& HAIME ), 9.<br />

There is a good number of specimens in the present collections . They range from early attached stage<br />

to fully developed ones. The species display wide skeletal variation. We have made no attempt to identify<br />

the various varieties recognized by DOEDERLEIN . We have also seen EH REN BERG's types of his F. agarici­<br />

[o rmis , Nos. 764, 768 and 769 in the Museum BerLin.

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