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79<br />

c) All costae with equally developed tall spines (Subgenus Fungia).<br />

10. Corallum flat or arched . Septa with triangular dentations. Spines of costae awl-like , smooth.<br />

Wall perforate or solid . . ............... . . . ..... . ........ . ............ F. fungites<br />

Fungitl<br />

Fungia seutaria LAMARCK, 1801<br />

(Pl ate 17. Figs. 6 , 1)<br />

seutaria 1801. LAMARCK. 370.<br />

1876. HAECK EL. 45 , pI. 2/1.<br />

1879. KLUI ZINGER 3.65.<br />

1902, DOEDERLEIN, 91; pI. 8/ 1- 8 (synonymy).<br />

1909. GA RDI NER. 272, pI. 34/8.<br />

1954. ROSSI. 41.<br />

1971. LOYA & SLOBODKIN. 12l.<br />

1974 . MERGNER & SCHUHMACHER. 264.<br />

1974, SCHEER & PILLAI, 36 (synonymy).<br />

1976. PILLAI & SCHEER. 43.<br />

1979. SCHUHMACHER. 227, fig. 2l.<br />

1980. VERON & PICHON, 159 ; figs. 264-268 (synonymy).<br />

1980. HEAD. 150. 45l.<br />

dt ntigna 1841, LEUCKART, 48; pI. 3/ 1, 2.<br />

grallis<br />

oabensis<br />

pltlcunaria<br />

1860. MI LNE EDWARDS (& HAIME I. 17.<br />

1879. KLUNZINGER l . 64.<br />

1892. ORTMANN. 6Sl.<br />

1955 . NEMENZO. 62, pI. 10/ 1. 2.<br />

1902. DOEDERLEIN. 97, pI. 9/ l - S.<br />

1879. KLUNZINGER 3,64; pis. 7/ 1; 8/6 (No. 2529 from Koseir in Berlin Museum).<br />

18 specimens, all with the characteristic tentacular lobes on the septa are placed unter this species.<br />

SLR 1258- 2 is an attached stage with a greater diameter of 3 cm.<br />

Materi a l :<br />

Gulf of Aqaba: Jerus. SLR 1258- 1,2 (Fara'un Is!.) ; 395 - 10 (Marsa Murach).<br />

T. Aviv NS 228 , 1248, 1249, 6280,9302 (Eilat).<br />

Basel PW 73557 , 558 , 559,560, 561 (Fara'un Is!.).<br />

Northern R. S.: HLM X2 : 2- 29 (Guballs!.).<br />

SNM Wa 44 (Ghardaqa).<br />

Central R. S.: P. Sud. Sa 105 (Sanganeb R. ).<br />

HLM RM 16 , 16a (Wingate R.).<br />

Dis t rib uti 0 n : Red Sea; East Africa ; Aldabra; Reunion; Chagos; Maldives; Lakshadweep; Ceylon ;<br />

Andaman and icobar Isis .; Cocos-Keeling Isis.; East Indies ; Philippines; Japan; Palau Isis .; Caroline Isis.;<br />

Solomon Isis.; New Caledonia (CHEVALIER , 1968); Marshall Isis.; Hawaii ; Fanning Isis.; Cook Isis.<br />

(STODDART & PILLAI, 1973); Tuamotu Archipelago.<br />

Rem ark s : F. oabensis (DOEDERL EI , 1902) from Hawaii is said to have a heavy corallum with<br />

the costal spi nes greatly developed and irregularly swollen. We do not think that this is of specific value.<br />

F. gravis ( EMENZO , 1955) is again only a skeletal variation. These two are positive synonyms of F. seutaria<br />

.<br />

Fungia moluecensis v. d . HORST , 191 9<br />

(Pl att' t 7, Figs. 8, 9; Pl att' 18. Pig. 1)<br />

Fungia<br />

mo/ucansis 1919. v. d. HORST. 65: pI. 1 (Type: locality: Moluccas).<br />

1921 . v. d . HORST. 60; pI. 21 1. 2.<br />

1925 . BOSCHMA. 210: pis. 6/ 49: 7175 , 16: 10/ 128.<br />

1980. VERON & PI CHON, 165 : figs. 273-282, 756.<br />

somenJiIle; 1924. MAITHAI. 41 (pars): pI. 9/ 3.<br />

1974. SCHEER & PILLAI, 37 : pI. 1811 . 2.<br />

1979, SCHUHM.ACHER , 212; fig. 3 (right).

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