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49<br />

II. Corallum essentially ramose with or without coalescence.<br />

7 . Branches fuse to form close-set inverted cone-shaped columns. At the sides of the columns<br />

papillae absent. On the top of the columns papillae squeeze out, prominent ones 2 to 3 mm<br />

thick and high . Calices 0.6 to 0.7 mm ... ... . ......... .. ........ . . . . . M. edwardsi<br />

8. Top of branches flattened . CoraLium short. Papillae form a labellate lower wall to the<br />

corallite. Calices 1 mm in diameter with 12 septa .... . ................ M. spongiosa<br />

9. A crowded cluster of stunted branches. Papillae inconspicuous, but form labellate lower<br />

wall to the corallite. Calices 0.5 to 0.7 mm, about 1 mm apart. The coral looks highly<br />

spinulose under the lens. . . . . . ....... .. . . . . .. . ... .. . .. .... .. ...... M. gracilis<br />

10. Arborescent. Papillae I to 2 mm , conical, either in close approximity to calyx or occupying<br />

the interstices. 2 to 3 of them may often fuse together. . .. ..... M. circumvallata<br />

C. Interstices with flame-like or grain-like frosted tubercles, sometimes in close approximity with calices.<br />

II . Encrusting, surface with close-set gibbosities. Tubercles short, rounded at the top. Calices<br />

0.6 to 0.8 mm , appear as projecting. . . .... . ..... . .... .. . ... .. . ..... . . M. stilosa<br />

12 . Foliaceous, surface with lobulations or a crowded cluster of coalescent branches. Tubercles<br />

often fuse to form low ridges. Calicular rim looks elevated . . . . . . . . .. M. ehrenbergi<br />

A. Foveolate species of Montipora .<br />

Corallum encrusting or submassive, calices surrounded by foveolations.<br />

Porites<br />

Mon tipora<br />

Manopora<br />

Montipora<br />

Montipora venosa (EHRENBERG), 1834<br />

(Plate 9, Figs. 4 . 5)<br />

ve1l0Sll 1834 , EHR ENBERG. 342 (Type locality : Red Su).<br />

ve"osa 1897, BERNARO, 69; pI. 32115 (synonymy).<br />

1906. v. MARENZElLER, 63;pl •. 21 166- 68; 23/66.- 68 •.<br />

1907, BEDOT. 274; pis. 461260- 262; 47/263- 266.<br />

1918. VAUGHAN . 153 ; pI. 6313.<br />

1925. HOFFMEISTER. SO, pI. 612., b.<br />

1952. CROSSLAND, 188 ; pis. 2615; 2715, 2817.<br />

1954. ROSSI. 45.<br />

1971 . LOVA & SLOBODKIN . 123 .<br />

1974, SCHEER & PllLAI, 27; pI. 1114.<br />

1980, HEAD, 148, 446.<br />

colei? 1954 , WELLS, 437 ; pI. 146/ 1. 2.<br />

planiusculD 1846. DANA. 507: pI. 47/ 3. 3a.<br />

1I11!'~c oSQ 1897. KLUN ZINGER 2, 35 ; pls. 5/ 14. 15 ; 6/ 10: t OI7(non LAMARCK).<br />

Corallum encrusting or hillocky. Calices about 1 mm (EC 470) or only 0.7 mm (EC 471), conspicuous,<br />

placed in deep funnel-like depressions formed of coenenchymal foveolations around the well cut-out wall .<br />

Individual papillae almost absent. They almost run together to form low ridges. Septa 12, primaries subequal<br />

fuse together to form a pseudo-columella. Surface of the corallum with gibbosities, rarely with<br />

conical projecting papillae. Surface unter the lens reveals a spiny reticulum.<br />

Material:<br />

Gulf of Suez:<br />

Gulf of Aqaba :<br />

orthern R. S.:<br />

T . Aviv<br />

T . Aviv<br />

Basel<br />

T. Aviv<br />

USNM<br />

HLM<br />

NS<br />

NS<br />

PW<br />

NS<br />

Wa<br />

EC<br />

8384, 8685 (Ras el Kanisa).<br />

1885 , 4976, 4996 (Dahab); 4836 (Ras Atantur).<br />

73 528 ? (Eilat, 6 m).<br />

1876 (Ras Muhammad).<br />

31 (Ghardaqa).<br />

470, 471 ( Ras Abu Suma); 60 (duplicate from KLUNZINGER as<br />

verrucosa) , 148 (Koseir).<br />

Di s t r ib uti o n : Red Sea ; Persian Gulf; Gulf of Mannar; Nicobar Islands; East Indies; Great Barrier<br />

Reef; Marshall Isi s.; Fiji ; Samoa; Cook Isis .<br />

Rem a r k s : BERNARD (1897) opined that the specimens described by KLUNZINGER from Red Sea<br />

under the names M. verrucosa and M. tIIberculosa are the same as M. venosa. However, a closer study of<br />

KL UNZINGER 's duplicate in HLM and of EHRENBERG 's type of venosa (No. 952 ) in Berlin Museum shows

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