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150<br />

Blastomussa merlell 1973 , WIJSMAN·8EST, IS" .<br />

1975. CHEVALIER. 32 7 ; p l~ 29/6 ; 30/ S- 7.<br />

1978. HEAD. 634 . fig. I •.<br />

(non 1968. WELLS, 276 ; figs. 4 , 5).<br />

1980. VERON & PIC HON. 234 ; figs. 393- 394. 767.<br />

1980. HEAD. 153 . 466.<br />

The four samples in the present collecti on include several specimens ranging from single corallites to<br />

small phaceloid colonies. 4 em high and up to 3 em spread. Corallites cylindrical. an epitheca stops 1 mm<br />

from the top of the wall. Adjacent corall ites 3 to 6 mm apart. diameter 4 to 5 mm . Wall about 0 .5 mm<br />

thick. Calices shallow (1 mm). Septa in three cycles. primaries larger than secondanes. and these larger<br />

than tertiaries. Primaries exsert to 1.5 mm . Edges either entire or in higher c),des with 2 to 3 serrations.<br />

Septa swollen at the wall. exsert part with a deep cleft . above which the septum narrows. so that it has a<br />

beaked appeara nce . Sides of septa granular. Two cycles of septa reach the columella. Columella composed<br />

of thickened trabeculae with 1 to 3 upright processes. These processes are arra nged in so me calices in a<br />

lo ngitudinal row forming a vertical ridge. Costae conspicuous at the top of the branch. below covered by<br />

an epitheca . The above details are based on PW 7 1 349.<br />

Ma t e r ial:<br />

Gulf of Aqaba: T. Aviv S 928 1 (E ilat. 60 m).<br />

Basel PW 7 1 349a. b (Fara 'un lsI. . 40 m) ,<br />

orthern R. S.: T. Aviv NS 5946 (Ras Muhammad. 10 m).<br />

Di s t rib uti 0 n : Red Sea; Aldab ra (ROS EN. 1971) , Madagascar, Great Barrier Reef, New Caledonia.<br />

BiaS10 tllllSsa<br />

UJellri<br />

merleli<br />

Blaslomussa wellsi WljSMAN-BEST. 1973<br />

(Plate 35 , Figs. 7. 8, 10, II)<br />

1973, WIJSMAN· BEST. 154; figs. I, 2

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