Waste reduction final report -4 - Test Input

Waste reduction final report -4 - Test Input

Waste reduction final report -4 - Test Input


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The total volume is 4.5 Mm3; total waste weight is 6 MT. It is obvious that percentages<br />

depend on the densities of materials. The biggest differences exist for combustibles, wood,<br />

metals and concrete. When considering waste, its amounts and treatment methods, it is<br />

therefore crucial to consider the way of expressing the figures.<br />

At this point, it is interesting to look back to Figure 5. Buildings demolished today have an<br />

age of about 50 to 100 years. When not taking into account road construction waste and<br />

asphalt in the calculations for volume percentages in Figure 8, data corresponds well to<br />

building composition between 1900 and 1960.<br />

The following figure shows the origin of the remnants according to demolition, refurbishment<br />

or new construction. The waste streams generated by new construction are very small<br />

compared to about 93 % in volume of the waste stemming from demolition (41 % in volume)<br />

and refurbishment (52 % in volume).<br />

Figure 9: Origin of house building waste: Refurbishment, new construction, demolition (in<br />

1000 tons) [FOEN 2008c].<br />

Concrete and bricking stem mainly from demolition activities, whereas the main waste from<br />

refurbishment consists out of mixed demolition material and bricking. For burnable waste,<br />

wood and metals, the main waste source is refurbishment, too.<br />

In civil engineering, more than 50% of the waste is produced in the sector of road<br />

construction. About one fourth originates from activities related to railway and water supply<br />

infrastructure. As a result, more than 90% of the waste consists out of gravel/sand, asphalt<br />

and concrete:<br />


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