Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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may assert itself, viz., sterility between two human races, just as between two animal species of various kinds, in those<br />

rare cases when a European, condescending to see in a female of a savage tribe a mate, happens to chose a member of<br />

such mixed tribes.* Darwin notes such<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* Of such semi-animal creatures, the sole remnants known to Ethnology were the Tasmanians, a portion of the<br />

Australians and a mountain tribe in China, the men and women of which are entirely covered with hair. They were the last<br />

descendants in a direct line of the semi-animal latter-day Lemurians referred to. There are, however, considerable<br />

numbers of the mixed Lemuro-Atlantean peoples produced by various [[Footnote continued on next page]]<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 196 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

a case in a Tasmanian tribe, whose women were suddenly struck with sterility, en masse, some time after the arrival<br />

among them of the European colonists. The great naturalist tried to explain this fact by change of diet, food, conditions,<br />

etc., but finally gave up the solution of the mystery. For the Occultist it is a very evident one. "Crossing," as it is called, of<br />

Europeans with Tasmanian women -- i.e., the representatives of a race, whose progenitors were a "soulless"* and<br />

mindless monster and a real human, though still as mindless a man -- brought on sterility. This, not alone as a<br />

consequence of a physiological law, but also as a decree of Karmic evolution in the question of further survival of the<br />

abnormal race. In no one point of the above is Science prepared to believe as yet -- but it will have to in the long run.<br />

Esoteric philosophy, let us remember, only fills the gaps made by science and corrects her false premises.<br />

Yet, in this particular, geology and even botany and zoology support the esoteric teachings. It has been suggested by<br />

many geologists that the Australian native -- co-existing as he does with an archaic fauna and flora -- must date back to<br />

an enormous antiquity. The whole environment of this mysterious race, about whose origin ethnology is silent, is a<br />

testimony to the truth of the esoteric position.<br />

"It is a very curious fact," says Jukes,** "that not only these marsupial animals (the mammals found in the Oxfordshire<br />

stone-field slates), but several of the shells -- as for instance, the Trigonias and even some of the plants found fossil in<br />

the Oolitic rocks -- much more nearly resemble those now living in Australia than the living forms of any other part of the<br />

globe. This might be explained on the supposition that, since the 0olitic (Jurassic) period, less change has taken place in<br />

Australia than elsewhere, and that the Australian flora and fauna consequently retain some-<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

[[Footnote continued from previous page]] crossings with such semi-human stocks -- e.g., the wild men of Borneo, the<br />

Veddhas of Ceylon, classed by Prof. Flower among Aryans (!), most of the remaining Australians, Bushmen, Negritos,<br />

Andaman Islanders, etc.<br />

The Australians of the Gulf of St. Vincent and the neighbourhood of Adelaide are very hairy, and the brown down on the<br />

skin of boys of five or six years of age assumes a furry appearance. They are, however, degraded men -- not the closest<br />

approximation to the "pithecoid man," as Haeckel so sweepingly affirms. Only a portion of these men are a Lemurian<br />

relic. (Cf. "Esoteric Buddhism," p.55.)<br />

* In calling the animal "Soulless," it is not depriving the beast, from the humblest to the highest species, of a "soul," but<br />

only of a conscious surviving Ego-soul, i.e., that principle which survives after a man, and reincarnates in a like man. The<br />

animal has an astral body, that survives the physical form for a short period; but its (animal) Monad does not re-incarnate<br />

in the same, but in a higher species, and has no "Devachan" of course. It has the seeds of all the human principles in<br />

itself, but they are latent.<br />

** "Manual of Geology," p. 302.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 197 THE SEPARATION OF SEXES.<br />

thing of the Oolitic type, while it had been altogether supplanted and replaced on the rest of the Globe." (! !)<br />

Now why has less change taken place in Australia than elsewhere? Where is the raison d'etre for such a "curse of<br />

retardation"? It is simply because the nature of the environment develops pari passu with the race concerned.<br />

Correspondences rule in every quarter. The survivors of those later Lemurians, who escaped the destruction of their<br />

fellows when the main continent was submerged, became the ancestors of a portion of the present native tribes. Being a<br />

very low sub-race, begotten originally of animals, of monsters, whose very fossils are now resting miles under the sea<br />

floors, their stock has since existed in an environment strongly subjected to the law of retardation. Australia is one of the<br />

oldest lands now above the waters, and in the senile decrepitude of old age, its "virgin soil" notwithstanding. It can<br />

produce no new forms, unless helped by new and fresh races, and artificial cultivation and breeding.<br />

To return, however, once more to the history of the Third Race, the "Sweat-Born," the "Egg-bearing," and the<br />

"Androgyne." Almost sexless, in its early beginnings, it became bisexual or androgynous; very gradually of course. The<br />

passage from the former to the latter transformation required numberless generations, during which the simple cell that<br />

issued from the earliest parent (the two in one), first developed into a bisexual being; and then the cell, becoming a<br />

regular egg, gave forth a unisexual creature. The Third-Race-mankind is the most mysterious of all the hitherto developed<br />

five Races. The mystery of the "How" of the generation of the distinct sexes must, of course, be very obscure here, as it is<br />

the business of an embryologist and a specialist, the present work giving only faint outlines of the process. But it is<br />

evident that the units of the Third Race humanity began to separate in their pre-natal shells, or eggs,* and to issue out of<br />

them as distinct male and female babes, ages after the appearance of its early progenitors. And, as time rolled on its<br />

geological periods, the newly born sub-races began to lose their natal capacities. Toward the end of the fourth sub-race,<br />

the babe lost its faculty of walking as soon as liberated from its shell, and by the end of the fifth, mankind was born under

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