Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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less philosophical and more immoral religions (! !) of the ancient world." Only, while we find in Biblical esotericism<br />

physiological sexual mysteries symbolised, and very little<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* Mr. Gladstone's unfortunate attempt to reconcile the Genetic account with science (see Nineteenth Century, "Dawn of<br />

Creation" and the "Proem to Genesis," 1886) has brought upon him the Jovian thunderbolt hurled by Mr. Huxley. The<br />

dead-letter account warranted no such attempt; and his fourfold order, or division of animated creation, has turned into<br />

the stone which, instead of killing the fly on the sleeping friend's brow, killed the man instead. Mr. Gladstone killed<br />

Genesis for ever. But this does not prove that there is no esotericism in the latter. The fact that the Jews and all the<br />

Christians, the modern as well as the early sects, have accepted the narrative literally for two thousand years, shows only<br />

their ignorance; and shows the great ingenuity and constructive ability of the initiated Rabbis, who have built the two<br />

accounts -- the Elohistic and the Jehovistic -- esoterically, and have purposely confused the meaning by the vowelless<br />

glyphs or word-signs in the original text. The six days -- yom -- of creation do mean six periods of evolution, and the<br />

seventh that of culmination of perfection (not of rest), and refer to the seven Rounds and the seven Races with a distinct<br />

"creation" in each; though the use of the words boker, dawn or morning, and crib, evening twilight -- which have<br />

esoterically the same meaning as sandhya, twilight, in Sanskrit -- have led to a charge of the most crass ignorance of the<br />

order of evolution.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 253 MR. GLADSTONE KILLS GENESIS.<br />

more (something for which very little real philosophy is requisite), in the Puranas one may find the most scientific and<br />

philosophical "dawn of creation," which, if impartially analyzed and rendered into plain language from its fairy tale-like<br />

allegories, would show that modern zoology, geology, astronomy, and nearly all the branches of modern knowledge, have<br />

been anticipated in the ancient Science, and were known to the philosophers in their general features, if not in such detail<br />

as at present!<br />

Puranic astronomy, with all its deliberate concealment and confusion for the purpose of leading the profane off the real<br />

track, was shown even by Bentley to be a real science; and those who are versed in the mysteries of Hindu astronomical<br />

treatises, will prove that the modern theories of the progressive condensation of nebulae, nebulous stars and suns, with<br />

the most minute details about the cyclic progress of asterisms -- far more correct than Europeans have even now -- for<br />

chronological and other purposes, were known in India to perfection.<br />

If we turn to geology and zoology we find the same. What are all the myths and endless genealogies of the seven<br />

Prajapati, and their sons, the seven Rishis or Manus, and of their wives, sons and progeny, but a vast detailed account of<br />

the progressive development and evolution of animal creation, one species after the other? Were the highly philosophical<br />

and metaphysical Aryans -- the authors of the most perfect philosophical systems of transcendental psychology, of Codes<br />

of Ethics, and such a grammar as Panini's, of the Sankhya and Vedanta systems, and a moral code (Buddhism),<br />

proclaimed by Max Muller the most perfect on earth -- such fools, or children, as to lose their time in writing fairy-tales;<br />

such tales as the Puranas now seem to be in the eyes of those who have not the remotest idea of their secret meaning?<br />

What is the fable, the genealogy and origin of Kasyapa, with his twelve wives, by whom he had a numerous and<br />

diversified progeny of nagas (serpents), reptiles, birds, and all kinds of living things, and who was thus the father of all<br />

kinds of animals, but a veiled record of the order of evolution in this round? So far, we do not see that any Orientalist ever<br />

had the remotest conception of the truths concealed under the allegories and personifications. "The Satapatha<br />

Brahmana," says one, "gives a not very intelligible account of Kasyapa's origin. . . . He was the son of Marichi, the Son of<br />

Brahma, the father of Vivasvat, the father of Manu, the progenitor of mankind. . . . Having assumed the form of a tortoise,<br />

Prajapati created offspring. That which he created he made akarot, hence the word kurma (tortoise). Kasyapa means<br />

tortoise; hence men say: 'All creatures are descendants of Kasyapa,' etc., etc. (Hindu Class. Dict.)<br />

He was all this; he was also the father of Garuda, the bird, the "King<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 254 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

of the feathered tribe," who descends from, and is of one stock with the reptiles, the nagas; and who becomes their<br />

mortal enemy subsequently as he is also a cycle, a period of time, when in the course of evolution the birds which<br />

developed from reptiles in their "struggle for life," -- "survival of the fittest," etc., etc., turned in preference on those they<br />

issued from, to devour them, -- perhaps prompted by natural law, in order to make room for other and more perfect<br />

species. (Vide Part II., "Symbolism.")<br />

In that admirable epitome of "Modern Science and Modern Thought," a lesson in natural history is offered to Mr.<br />

Gladstone, showing the utter variance with it of the Bible. The author remarks that Geology, commencing with --<br />

" . . . the earliest known fossil, the Eozoon Canadense of the Laurentian, continued in a chain, every link of which is firmly<br />

welded, through the Silurian, with its abundance of molluscous, crustacean, and vermiform life and first indication of<br />

fishes; the Devonian, with its predominance of fish and first appearance of reptiles; the Mesozoic with its batrachians (or<br />

frog family); the Secondary formations, in which reptiles of the sea, land and air preponderated, and the first humble<br />

forms of vertebrate land animals began to appear; and finally, the Tertiary, in which mammalian life has become<br />

abundant, and type succeeding to type and species to species, are gradually differentiated and specialized, through the<br />

Eocene, Miocene, and Pliocene periods, until we arrive at the Glacial and Pre-historic periods, and at positive proof of the<br />

existence of man."<br />

The same order, plus the description of animals unknown to modern science, is found in the commentaries on the<br />

Puranas in general, and in the Book of Dzyan -- especially. The only difference, a grave one, no doubt, -- as implying a<br />

spiritual and divine nature of man independent of his physical body in this illusionary world, in which the false personality<br />

and its cerebral basis alone is known to orthodox psychology -- is as follows. Having been in all the so-called "Seven<br />

creations," allegorizing the seven evolutionary changes, or the sub-races, we may call them, of the First Root-race of

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