Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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In other words, they were the Lemuro-Atlanteans, the first who had<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* America when discovered, was called Atlanta by some native tribes.<br />

** Since then Donnelly's Atlantis has appeared, and soon its actual existence will have become a scientific fact.<br />

*** It is so divided to this day, and theosophists and Occultists, who have learned something of the Occult but undeniable<br />

power of Dugpaship at their own expense, know this but too well.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 222 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

a dynasty of Spirit-Kings, not of Manes, or "ghosts," as some believe (See "Pneumatologie"), but of actual living Devas<br />

(or demi-gods or Angels, again) who had assumed bodies to rule over them, and who, in their turn, instructed them in arts<br />

and sciences. Only, as they were rupa or material Spirits, these Dhyanis were not always good. Their King Thevetata was<br />

one of the latter, and it is under the evil influence of this King-Demon that . . . . the Atlantis-race became a nation of<br />

wicked magicians.<br />

"In consequence of this, war was declared, the story of which would be too long to narrate; its substance may be found in<br />

the disfigured allegories of the race of Cain, the giants, and that of Noah and his righteous family. The conflict came to an<br />

end by the submersion of the Atlantis, which finds its imitation in the stories of the Babylonian and Mosaic flood. The<br />

giants and magicians '. . . and all flesh died . . . and every man.' All except Xisuthrus and Noah, who are substantially<br />

identical with the great Father of the Thhnkithians in the Popol-Vuh, or the sacred book of the Guatemaleans, which also<br />

tells of his escaping in a large boat like the Hindu Noah -- Vaivasvata.<br />

"If we believe the tradition at all, we have to credit the further story that, from the intermarrying of the progeny of the<br />

hierophants of the island and the descendants of the Atlantean Noah, sprang up a mixed race of righteous and wicked.<br />

On the one side the world had its Enochs, Moseses, various Buddhas, its numerous 'Saviours,' and great hierophants; on<br />

the other hand, its 'natural magicians' who, through lack of the restraining power of proper spiritual enlightenment, . . .<br />

perverted their gifts to evil purposes. . . ."<br />

We may supplement this by the testimony of some records and traditions. In the "Histoire des Vierges: Les Peuples et les<br />

Continents Disparus," the author says:--<br />

"One of the most ancient legends of India, preserved in the temples by oral and written tradition, relates that several<br />

hundred thousand years ago there existed in the Pacific Ocean an immense continent which was destroyed by geological<br />

upheaval, and the fragments of which must be sought in Madagascar, Ceylon, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and the principal<br />

isles of Polynesia."<br />

"The high plateaux of Hindustan and Asia, according to this hypothesis, would only have been represented in those<br />

distant epochs by great islands contiguous to the central continent . . . . . According to the Brahmans, this country had<br />

attained a high civilization, and the peninsula of Hindustan, enlarged by the displacement of the waters, at the time of the<br />

grand cataclysm, has but continued the chain of the primitive traditions born in this place. These traditions give the name<br />

of Rutas to the peoples which inhabited this immense equinoctial continent, and from their speech was derived the<br />

Sanscrit. . . . . And the Indo-Hellenic tradition, preserved by the most intelligent population which emigrated from the<br />

plains of India, equally relates the existence of a continent and a people to which it gives the name of Atlantis and<br />

Atlantides, and which it locates in the Atlantic in the northern portion of the Tropics."<br />

"Apart from this fact, the supposition of an ancient continent in those latitudes, the vestiges of which may be found in the<br />

volcanic islands and moun-<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 223 THE MAGICIANS OF ATLANTIS.<br />

tainous surface of the Azores, the Canaries and Cape de Verdes, is not devoid of geographical probability. The Greeks,<br />

who, moreover, never dared to pass beyond the pillars of Hercules, on account of their dread of the mysterious ocean,<br />

appeared too late in antiquity for the stories preserved by Plato to be anything else than an echo of the Indian legend.<br />

Moreover, when we cast a look on a planisphere, at the sight of the islands and islets strewn from the Malayan<br />

Archipelago to Polynesia, from the straits of Sunda to Easter Island, it is impossible, upon the hypothesis of continents<br />

preceding those which we inhabit, not to place there the most important of all.<br />

"A religious belief, common to Malacca and Polynesia, that is to say, to the two opposite extremes of the Oceanic world,<br />

affirms 'that all these islands once formed two immense countries, inhabited by yellow men and black men, always at war;<br />

and that the gods, wearied with their quarrels, having charged Ocean to pacify them, the latter swallowed up the two<br />

continents, and, since, it has been impossible to make him give up his captives. Alone, the mountain-peaks and high<br />

plateaux escaped the flood, by the power of the gods, who perceived too late the mistake they had committed.'<br />

"Whatever there may be in these traditions, and whatever may have been the place where a civilization more ancient<br />

than that of Rome, of Greece, of Egypt, and of India was developed, it is certain that this civilization did exist, and it is<br />

highly important to science to recover its traces, however feeble and fugitive they may be" (pp. 13-15).<br />

This last tradition corroborates the one given from the "Records of the Secret Doctrine." The war mentioned between the<br />

yellow and the black men, relates to a struggle between the "sons of God" and the "sons of giants," or the inhabitants and<br />

magicians of Atlantis.

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