Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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North, East, and West, their cords are on him. Har-ru-bah has knotted him.'* These were the cords of the four Quarters,<br />

or the cross. Thor is said to smite the head of the Serpent with his hammer . . . a form of Swastica or four-footed Cross. . .<br />

. In the primitive sepulchres of Egypt the model of the Chamber had the form of a Cross.** The pagoda of Mathura . . . the<br />

birth-place of Krishna, was built in the form of a Cross . . . . ***<br />

This is perfect and no one can discern in this "sexual worship," with which the Orientalists love to break the head of<br />

Paganism. But how about the Jews, and the exoteric religions of some Hindu sects, especially the rites of the<br />

Vallabacharyas? For, as said, the Lingham and Yoni of Siva-worship stand too high philosophically, its modern<br />

degeneration notwithstanding, to be called a simple phallic worship. But the tree or Cross-worship**** of the Jews, as<br />

denounced by their own Prophets, can hardly escape the charge. The "Sons of Sorcerers," "the seed of the adulterer," as<br />

Isaiah calls them (lvii.), never lost an opportunity of "enflaming themselves with idols under every green tree," which<br />

denotes no metaphysical recreation. It is from these monotheistic Jews that the Christian nations have derived their<br />

religion, their "God of gods, the One living God," while despising and deriding the worship of the Deity of the ancient<br />

philosophers. Let such believe in and worship the physical form of the Cross, by all means.<br />

But to the follower of the true Eastern archaic Wisdom, to him who worships in spirit nought outside the Absolute Unity,<br />

that ever-pulsating great Heart that beats throughout, as in every atom of nature, each such atom contains the germ from<br />

which he may raise the Tree of Knowledge, whose fruits give life eternal and not physical life alone. For him the Cross<br />

and Circle, the Tree or the Tau, are, after every symbol relating to these has been applied to, and read one after another,<br />

still a profound mystery in their Past, and it is to that Past alone that he directs his eager gaze. He cares little whether it<br />

be the seed from<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* Apophis or Apap is the Serpent of evil, symbol of human passions. The Sun (Osiris-Horus), destroys him, when Apap is<br />

thrown down, bound and chained. The god Aker, "the chief of the gate of the Abyss," of Aker, the realm of the Sun (xv.<br />

39) binds him. Apophis is the enemy of Ra (light), but the "great Apap has fallen!" exclaims the defunct. "The Scorpion<br />

has hurt thy mouth," he says to the conquered enemy (xxxix. v. 7). The Scorpion is the "worm that never dies" of the<br />

Christians. Apophis is bound on the Tau or Tat, "the emblem of stability." (See the erection of Tat in Tatoo, Ritual xviii.).<br />

** So have the crypts in cis-Himalayan regions where Initiates live, and where their ashes are placed for seven lunar<br />

years.<br />

*** The Natural Genesis, Vol. I. p. 432.<br />

**** The Cross and the Tree are identical and synonymous in symbolism.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 589 MAN, THE REVILER OF GOD.<br />

which grows the genealogical Tree of Being, called the Universe. Nor is it the Three in One, the triple aspect of the seed -<br />

- its form, colour, and substance -- that interest him, but rather the FORCE which directs its growth, the ever mysterious,<br />

as the ever unknown. For this vital Force, that makes the seed germinate, burst open and throw out shoots, then form the<br />

trunk and branches, which, in their turn, bend down like the boughs of the Aswattha, the holy Tree of Bodhi, throw their<br />

seed out, take root and procreate other trees -- this is the only FORCE that has reality for him, as it is the never-dying<br />

breath of life. The pagan philosopher sought for the Cause, the modern is content with only the effects and seeks the<br />

former in the latter. What is beyond, he does not know, nor does the modern A-gnostic care: thus rejecting the only<br />

knowledge upon which he can with full security base his Science. Yet this manifested Force has an answer for him who<br />

seeks to fathom it. He who sees in the cross, the decussated circle of Plato, the Pagan, not the antitype of circumcision,<br />

as Christian (St.) Augustine did,* is forthwith regarded by the Church as a heathen: by Science, as a lunatic. This<br />

because, while refusing to worship the god of physical generation, he confesses that he can know nothing of the Cause<br />

which underlies the so-called First Cause, the causeless Cause of this Vital Cause. Tacitly admitting the All-Presence of<br />

the boundless Circle and making of it the universal Postulate upon which the whole of the manifested universe is based,<br />

the Sage keeps a reverential silence concerning that upon which no mortal men should dare to speculate. "The Logos of<br />

God is the revealer of man, and the logos (the verb) of man is the revealer of God," says Eliphas Levi in one of his<br />

paradoxes. To this, the Eastern Occultist would reply:-- "On this condition, however, that man should be dumb on the<br />

CAUSE that produced both God and its logos. Otherwise, he becomes invariably the reviler, not the 'revealers' of the<br />

incognizable Deity."<br />

We have now to approach a mystery -- the Hebdomad in nature. Perchance, all that we may say, will be attributed to<br />

coincidence. We may be told that this number in nature is quite natural (so we say too), and has no more significance<br />

than the illusion of motion which forms the so-called "Strobic circles." No great importance was given to these "singular<br />

illusions" when Professor Sylvanus Thompson exhibited them at the meeting of the British Association in 1877.<br />

Nevertheless we should like to learn the scientific explanation why seven should ever form itself as a pre-eminent number<br />

-- six concentric circles around a seventh, and seven rings within one another round a central point, etc., etc. -- in this<br />

illusion, produced by a swaying saucer, or any other vessel. We give the solution refused by science in the section which<br />

follows.<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* Sermon the 160th.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 590 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

§ XXV.<br />


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