Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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cherub . . . thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire . . . thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day<br />

that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. Therefore I will cast thee out of the mountain of God and destroy<br />

thee. . . . "<br />

The "Mountain of God" means the "Mountain of the Gods" or Meru, whose representative in the Fourth Race was Mount<br />

Atlas, the last form of one of the divine Titans, so high in those days that the ancients believed that the heavens rested on<br />

its top. Did not Atlas assist the giants in their war against the gods? (Hyginus). Another version shows the fable as arising<br />

from the fondness of Atlas, son of Iapetus and Clymene, for astronomy, and from his dwelling for that reason on the<br />

highest mountain peaks. The truth is that Atlas, "the mountain of the gods," and also the hero of that name, are the<br />

esoteric symbols of the Fourth Race, and his seven daughters, the Atlantides, are the symbols of its Seven Sub-races.<br />

Mount Atlas, according to all the legends, was three times as high as it is now; having sunk at two different times. It is of a<br />

volcanic origin, and therefore the voice<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 494 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

within Ezekiel says: "I will bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee," etc. (v. 18). Surely it does not<br />

mean, as seems to be the case from the translated texts, that this fire was to be brought from the midst of the Prince of<br />

Tyrus, or his people, but from Mount Atlas, symbolising the proud race, learned in magic and high in arts and civilization,<br />

whose last remnant was destroyed almost at the foot of the range of those once gigantic mountains.<br />

Truly, "thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more"; as the very name of the race and its fate is now<br />

annihilated from man's memory. Bear in mind, that almost every ancient King and priest was an initiate; that from toward<br />

the close of the Fourth Race there had been a feud between the Initiates of the Right and those of the Left Path; finally,<br />

that the garden of Eden is referred to by other personages than the Jews of the Adamic race, since even Pharaoh is<br />

compared to the fairest tree of Eden by this same Ezekiel, who shows "all the trees of Eden, the choicest and best of<br />

Lebanon, . . . comforted in the nether parts of the earth . . .," for "they also went down into hell with him" (Pharaoh)* unto<br />

the nether parts, which are in fact the bottom of the ocean, whose floor gaped wide to devour the lands of the Atlanteans<br />

and themselves. If one bears all this in mind and compares the various accounts, then one will find out that the whole of<br />

chapters xxviii. and xxxi. of Ezekiel relate neither to Babylon, Assyria, nor yet Egypt, since none of these have been so<br />

destroyed, but simply fell into ruins on the surface, not beneath the earth -- but indeed to Atlantis and most of its nations.<br />

And he will see that the "garden of Eden" of the Initiates was no myth, but a locality now submerged. Light will dawn upon<br />

him, and he will appreciate such sentences as these at their true esoteric value: "Thou hast been in Eden; . . . thou wast<br />

upon the holy mountain of God" -- for every nation had and many still have holy mountains: some, Himalayan Peaks,<br />

others, Parnassus, and Sinai. They were all places of initiation and the abodes of the chiefs of the communities of ancient<br />

and even modern adepts. And again: "Behold, the Assyrian (why not Atlantean, Initiate?) was a cedar in Lebanon; . . . his<br />

height was exalted above all the trees; . . . . the cedars in the garden of God could not hide him, . . . so that all the trees of<br />

Eden . . . . envied him" (Ezekiel xxxi. 3-9).<br />

Throughout all Asia Minor, the Initiates were called the "trees of Righteousness," and the cedars of Lebanon, as also<br />

were some kings of Israel. So were the great adepts in India, but only the adepts of the<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* The only Pharaoh whom the Bible shows going down into the Red Sea was the king who pursued the Israelites, and<br />

who remained unnamed, for very good reasons, perhaps. The story was surely made up from the Atlantean legend.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 495 VARIOUS NAMES FOR INITIATES.<br />

left hand. When Vishnu Purana narrates that "the world was overrun with trees," while the Prachetasas -- who "passed<br />

10,000 years of austerity in the vast ocean" -- were absorbed in their devotions, the allegory relates to the Atlanteans and<br />

the adepts of the early Fifth Race -- the Aryans. Other "trees (adept Sorcerers) spread, and overshadowed the<br />

unprotected earth; and the people perished . . . unable to labour for ten thousand years." Then the sages, the Rishis of<br />

the Aryan race, called Prachetasas, are shown "coming forth from the deep,"* and destroying by the wind and flame<br />

issuing from their mouths, the iniquitous "trees" and the whole vegetable kingdom; until Soma (the moon), the sovereign<br />

of the vegetable world, pacifies them by making alliance with the adepts of the Right Path, to whom he offers as bride<br />

Marisha, "the offspring of the trees."** This means that which is given in the Stanzas and Commentaries, and what is also<br />

given in Part II. of Vol. I., "The Sacred Island." It hints at the great struggle between the "Sons of God" and the Sons of<br />

the Dark Wisdom -- our forefathers; or the Atlantean and the Aryan Adepts.<br />

The whole History of that period is allegorized in the Ramayana, which is the mystic narrative in epic form of the struggle<br />

between Rama -- the first king of the divine dynasty of the early Aryans -- and Ravana, the symbolical personation of the<br />

Atlantean (Lanka) race. The former were the incarnations of the Solar Gods; the latter, of the lunar Devas. This was the<br />

great battle between Good and Evil, between white and black magic, for the supremacy of the divine forces, or of the<br />

lower terrestrial or cosmic powers. If the student would understand better the last statement, let him turn to the Anugita<br />

episode of the Mahabharata, chapter v., where the Brahmana tells his wife, "I have perceived by means of the Self the<br />

seat abiding in the Self -- (the seat) where dwells the Brahman free from the pairs of opposites and the moon, together<br />

with the fire (or the sun), upholding (all) beings (as), the mover of the intellectual principle." The moon is the deity of the<br />

mind (Manas) but only on the lower plane. "Manas is dual -- lunar in the lower, solar in its upper portion," says a<br />

commentary. That is to say, it is attracted in its higher aspect towards Buddhi, and in its<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* Vishnu Purana, Book I., ch. xv.<br />

** This is pure allegory. The waters are a symbol of wisdom and of occult learning. Hermes represented the sacred<br />

Science under the symbol of fire; the Northern Initiates, under that of water. The latter is the production of Nara, the

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