Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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whom the Gnostics saluted as "Thou that presidest over the Mysteries of the Father and the Son, who shinest in the<br />

night-time, holding the second rank, the first Lord of Death."<br />

It is only in his capacity of the genius of the moon, the latter being credited in the old cosmogony with being the parent of<br />

our Earth, that Jehovah could ever be regarded as the creator of our globe and its Heaven, namely, the Firmament.<br />

The knowledge of all this will be no proof, however, to the average bigot. Missionaries will go on with the most virulent<br />

attacks on the religions of India, and Christians read with the same benighted smile of satisfaction as ever these<br />

preposterously unjust words of Coleridge, "It is highly worthy of observation that the inspired writings received by<br />

Christians are distinguishable from all other books PRETENDING TO INSPIRATION, from the Scriptures of the<br />

Brahmins, and even from the Koran, in their strong and frequent recommendation of TRUTH (! !). . . ."<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 475 NATURE, A STONE-COLD MOTHER.<br />

§ XVIII.<br />


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A.<br />


OUR present quarrel is exclusively with theology. The Church enforces belief in a personal god and a personal devil,<br />

while Occultism shows the fallacy of such a belief. And though for the Pantheists and Occultists, as much as for the<br />

Pessimists, Nature is no better than "a comely mother, but stone cold" -- this is true only so far as regards external<br />

physical nature. They both agree that, to the superficial observer, she is no better than an immense slaughter-house<br />

wherein butchers become victims, and victims executioners in their turn. It is quite natural that the pessimistically inclined<br />

profane, once convinced of Nature's numerous shortcomings and failures, and especially of her autophagous<br />

propensities, should imagine this to be the best evidence that there is no deity in abscondito within Nature, nor anything<br />

divine in her. Nor is it less natural that the materialist and the physicist should imagine that everything is due to blind force<br />

and chance, and to the survival of the strongest, even more often than of the fittest. But the Occultists, who regard<br />

physical nature as a bundle of most varied illusions on the plane of deceptive perceptions; who recognise in every pain<br />

and suffering but the necessary pangs of incessant procreation: a series of stages toward an ever-growing perfectibility,<br />

which is visible in the silent influence of never-erring Karma, or abstract nature -- the Occultists, we say, view the great<br />

Mother otherwise. Woe to those who live without suffering. Stagnation and death is the future of all that vegetates without<br />

a change. And how can there be any change for the better without proportionate suffering during the preceding stage? Is<br />

it not those only who have learnt the deceptive value of earthly hopes and the illusive allurements of external nature who<br />

are destined to solve the great problems of life, pain, and death?<br />

If our modern philosophers -- preceded by the medieval scholars -- have helped themselves to more than one<br />

fundamental idea of antiquity, theologians have built their God and his Archangels, their Satan and his Angels, along with<br />

the Logos and his staff, entirely out of the dramatis personae of the old heathen Pantheons. They would have been<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 476 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

welcome to these, had they not cunningly distorted the original characters, perverted the philosophical meaning, and<br />

taking advantage of the ignorance of Christendom -- the result of long ages of mental sleep, during which humanity was<br />

permitted to think only by proxy -- tossed every symbol into the most inextricable confusion. One of their most sinful<br />

achievements in this direction, was the transformation of the divine alter ego into the grotesque Satan of their theology.<br />

As the whole philosophy of the problem of evil hangs upon the correct comprehension of the constitution of the inner<br />

being of nature and man, of the divine within the animal, and hence also the correctness of the whole system as given in<br />

these pages, with regard to the crown piece of evolution -- MAN -- we cannot take sufficient precautions against<br />

theological subterfuges. When the good St. Augustine and the fiery Tertullian called the Devil "the monkey of God," this<br />

could be attributed to the ignorance of the age they lived in. It is more difficult to excuse our modern writers on the same<br />

ground. The translation of Mazdean literature has afforded to the Roman Catholic writers the pretext for proving their<br />

point in the same direction once more. They have taken advantage of the dual nature of Ahura Mazda in the Zend Avesta<br />

and the Vendidad, and of his Amshaspends, to emphasize still further their wild theories. Satan is the plagiarist and the<br />

copyist by anticipation of the religion which came ages later. This was one of the master strokes of the Latin Church, its<br />

best trump-card after the appearance of Spiritualism in Europe. Though only a succes d'estime, in general, even among<br />

those who are not interested in either Theosophy or Spiritualism, yet the weapon is often used by the Christian (Roman<br />

Catholic) Kabalists against the Eastern Occultists.<br />

Now even the Materialists are quite harmless, and may be regarded as the friends of Theosophy, when compared to<br />

some fanatical "Christian" (as they call themselves, "Sectarian" as we call them) Kabalists, on the Continent. These read<br />

the Zohar, not to find in it ancient Wisdom, but to discover in its verses, by mangling the texts and meaning, Christian<br />

dogmas, where none could ever have been meant; and, having fished them out with the collective help of jesuitical<br />

casuistry and learning, the supposed "Kabalists" proceed to write books and to mislead less far-sighted students of the<br />

Kabala.*<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* Such a pseudo-Kabalist was the Marquis de Mirville in France, who, having studied the Zohar and other old remnants of<br />

Jewish Wisdom under the "Chevalier" Drach, an ancient Rabbi Kabalist converted to the Romish Church -- wrote with his

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