Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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Thus Occultism rejects the idea that Nature developed man from the ape, or even from an ancestor common to both, but<br />

traces, on the contrary, some of the most anthropoid species to the Third Race man of the early Atlantean period. As this<br />

proposition will be maintained and defended elsewhere, a few words more are all that are needed at present. For greater<br />

clearness, however, we shall repeat in brief what was said previously in Book I., Stanza VI.<br />

Our teachings show that, while it is quite correct to say that nature had built, at one time, around the human astral form an<br />

ape-like external shape, yet it is as correct that this shape was no more that of the "missing link," than were the coverings<br />

of that astral form, during the course of its natural evolution through all the kingdoms of nature. Nor was it, as shown in<br />

the proper place, on this Fourth Round planet that such evolution took place, but only during the First, Second, and Third<br />

Rounds, when MAN was, in turn, "a stone, a plant, and an animal" until he became what he was in the First Root-Race of<br />

present humanity. The real line of evolution differs from the Darwinian, and the two systems are irreconcilable, except<br />

when the latter is divorced from the dogma of "Natural Selection" and the like. Indeed, between the Monera of Haeckel<br />

and the Sarisripa of Manu, there lies an impassable chasm in the shape of the Jiva; for the "human" Monad, whether<br />

immetallized in the stone-atom, or invegetallized in the plant, or inanimalized in the animal, is still and ever a divine,<br />

hence also a HUMAN Monad. It ceases to be human only when it becomes absolutely divine. The terms "mineral,"<br />

"vegetable" and "animal" monad are meant to create a superficial distinction: there is no such thing as a Monad (jiva)<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 186 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

other than divine, and consequently having been, or having to become, human. And the latter term has to remain<br />

meaningless unless the difference is well understood. The Monad is a drop out of the shoreless Ocean beyond, or, to be<br />

correct, within the plane of primeval differentiation. It is divine in its higher and human in its lower condition -- the<br />

adjectives "higher" and "lower" being used for lack of better words -- and a monad it remains at all times, save in the<br />

Nirvanic state, under whatever conditions, or whatever external forms. As the Logos reflects the Universe in the Divine<br />

Mind, and the manifested Universe reflects itself in each of its Monads, as Leibnitz put it, repeating an Eastern teaching,<br />

so the MONAD has, during the cycle of its incarnations, to reflect in itself every root-form of each kingdom. Therefore, the<br />

Kabalists say correctly that "MAN becomes a stone, a plant, an animal, a man, a Spirit, and finally God. Thus<br />

accomplishing his cycle or circuit and returning to the point from which he had started as the heavenly MAN." But by<br />

"Man" the divine Monad is meant, and not the thinking Entity, much less his physical body. While rejecting the immortal<br />

Soul, the men of Science now try to trace the latter through a series of animal forms from the lowest to the highest;<br />

whereas, in truth, all the present fauna are the descendants of those primordial monsters of which the Stanzas speak.<br />

The animals -- the creeping beasts and those in the waters that preceded man in this Fourth Round, as well as those<br />

contemporary with the Third Race, and again the mammalia that are posterior to the Third and Fourth Races -- all are<br />

either directly or indirectly the mutual and correlative product (physically) of man. It is correct to say that the man of this<br />

Manvantara, i.e., during the three preceding Rounds, has passed through all the kingdoms of nature. That he was "a<br />

stone, a plant, an animal." But (a) these stones, plants, and animals were the prototypes, the filmy presentments of those<br />

of the Fourth Round; and (b) even those at the beginning of the Fourth Round were the astral shadows of the present, as<br />

the Occultists express it. And finally the forms and genera of neither man, animal, nor plant were what they became later.<br />

Thus the astral prototypes of the lower beings of the animal kingdom of the Fourth Round, which preceded (the chhayas<br />

of) Men, were the consolidated, though still very ethereal sheaths of the still more ethereal forms or models produced at<br />

the close of the Third Round on Globe D.* "Produced from the residue of the substance matter; from dead bodies of men<br />

and (other extinct) animals of the wheel before," or the previous Third Round -- as Stanza 24 tells us. Hence, while the<br />

nondescript "animals"<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* Vide "Esoteric Buddhism."<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 187 THE DARWINISTS MISTAKEN.<br />

that preceded the astral man at the beginning of this life-cycle on our Earth were still, so to speak, the progeny of the man<br />

of the Third Round, the mammalians of this Round owe their existence, in a great measure, to man again. Moreover, the<br />

"ancestor" of the present anthropoid animal, the ape, is the direct production of the yet mindless Man, who desecrated his<br />

human dignity by putting himself physically on the level of an animal.<br />

The above accounts for some of the alleged physiological proofs, brought forward by the anthropologists as a<br />

demonstration of the descent of man from the animals.<br />

The point most insisted upon by the Evolutionists is that, "The history of the embryo is an epitome of that of the race."<br />

That "every organism, in its development from the egg, runs through a series of forms, through which, in like succession,<br />

its ancestors have passed in the long course of Earth's history.* The history of the embryo . . . . is a picture in little, and<br />

outline of that of the race. This conception forms the gist of our fundamental biogenetic law, which we are obliged to place<br />

at the head of the study of the fundamental law of organic development."**<br />

This modern theory was known as a fact to, and far more philosophically expressed by, the Sages and Occultists from the<br />

remotest ages. A passage from "Isis Unveiled" may here be cited to furnish a few points of comparison. In Vol. I., pp. 388-<br />

9, it was asked why, with all their great learning, physiologists were unable to explain teratological phenomena? Any<br />

anatomist who has made the development and growth of the embryo "a subject of special study," can tell, without much<br />

brain-work, what daily experience and the evidence of his own eyes show him, viz., that up to a certain period, the human<br />

embryo is facsimile of a young batrachian in its first remove from the spawn -- tadpole. But no physiologist or anatomist<br />

seems to have had the idea of applying to the development of the human being -- from the first<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------

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