Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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tribes and people are also represented as born in this way. All these are references to the later Second and the earlier<br />

Third Root Races.<br />

The following figures are from the calendar just referred to; a footnote marks the points of disagreement with the figures<br />

of the Arya Samaj school:--<br />

I. From the beginning of cosmic evolution,* up<br />

to the Hindu year Tarana (or 1887) .............. 1,955,884,687 years.<br />

II. The (astral) mineral, vegetable and animal<br />

kingdoms up to Man, have taken to evolve** ........ 300,000,000 years.<br />

III. Time, from the first appearance of<br />

"Humanity" (on planetary chain)...................1,664,500,987 years.***<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* The esoteric doctrine says that this "cosmic evolution" refers only to our solar system; while exoteric Hinduism makes<br />

the figures refer, if we do not mistake, to the whole Universal System.<br />

** Another point of disagreement. Occultism says: "The astral prototypes of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms<br />

up to man have taken that time (300 million years) to evolve, re-forming out of the cast-off materials of the preceding<br />

Round, which, though very dense and physical in their own cycle, are relatively ethereal as compared with the materiality<br />

of our present middle Round. At the expiration of these 300 million years, Nature, on the way to the physical and material,<br />

down the arc of descent, begins with mankind and works downwards, hardening or materialising forms as it proceeds.<br />

Thus the fossils found in strata, to which an antiquity, not of eighteen, but of many hundreds of millions of years, must be<br />

ascribed, belong in reality to forms of the preceding Round, which, while living, were far more ethereal than physical, as<br />

we know the physical. That we perceive and disinter them as tangible forms, is due to the process of materialization or<br />

crystallization referred to, which took place subsequently, at the beginning of the Fourth Round, and reached its<br />

maximum after the appearance of man, proceeding parallel with his physical evolution. This alone illustrates the fact that<br />

the degree of materiality of the Earth changes pari passu with that of its inhabitants. And thus man now finds, as tangible<br />

fossils, what were once the (to his present senses) ethereal forms of the lower kingdoms. The above Brahmanical figures<br />

refer to evolution beginning on Globe A, and in the First Round. In this Volume we speak only of this, the Fourth Round."<br />

*** This difference and the change of cyphers in the last three triplets of figures, the writer cannot undertake to account<br />

for. According to every calculation, once the three hundred millions are subtracted, the figures ought to stand,<br />

1,655,884,687. But they are given as stated in the Tamil calendar above-named and as they were translated. The school<br />

of the late Pandit Dayanand Saraswati, founder of the Arya Samaj, gives a date of 1,960,852,987. See the "Arya<br />

Magazine" of Lahore, the cover of which bears the words: "Aryan era 1,960,852,987."<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 69 THE VARIOUS PRALAYAS.<br />

IV. The number that elapsed since the "Vaivasvata Manvantara"* -- or the human period -- up to the year 1887, is just<br />

................. 18,618,728 years.<br />

V. The full period of one Manvantara is ..... 308,448,000 years.<br />

VI. 14 "Manvantaras" plus the period of one Satya Yuga make ONE DAY OF BRAHMA, or complete Manvantara and<br />

make .............. 4,320,000,000 years.<br />

Therefore a Maha-Yuga consists of ... ......... 4,320,000 years.**<br />

The year 1887 is from the commencement of<br />

Kali-Yuga ......................................... 4,989 years.<br />

To make this still clearer in its details, the following computations by Rao Bahadur P. Sreenivas Row, are given from the<br />

"Theosophist" of November, 1885.<br />

Mortal years.<br />

360 days of mortals make a year .......................... 1<br />

Krita Yuga contains .............................. 1,728,000<br />

Treta Yuga contains .............................. 1,296,000<br />

Dwapara Yuga contains .............................. 864,000<br />

Kali Yuga contains ................................. 432,000<br />

The total of the said four Yugas constitute a<br />

Maha Yuga ........................................ 4,320,000<br />

Seventy-one of such Maha-Yugas form the<br />

period of the reign of one Manu ................ 306,720,000<br />

The reign of 14 Manus embraces the duration<br />

of 994 Maha-Yugas, which is equal to ......... 4,294,080,000<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* VAIVASVATA Manu is the one human being -- some versions add to him the seven Rishis -- who in the Matsya Avatar<br />

allegory is saved from the Deluge in a boat, like Noah in the Ark. Therefore, this Vaivasvata Manvantara would be the<br />

"post-Diluvian" period. This, however, does not refer to the later "Atlantean" or Noah's deluge, nor to the Cosmic Deluge<br />

or Pralaya of obscuration, which preceded our Round, but to the appearance of mankind in the latter Round. There is a

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