Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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As to the matter of giants, though the tallest man hitherto found in Europe among fossils is the "Mentone man" (6 ft. 8 in.),<br />

others may yet be excavated. Nilsson, quoted by Lubbock, states that "in a tomb of the neolithic age . . . . a skeleton of<br />

extraordinary size was found in 1807," and that it was attributed to a king of Scotland, Albus McGaldus.<br />

And if in our own day we occasionally find men and women from 7 ft. to even 9 ft. and 11 ft. high, this only proves -- on<br />

the law of atavism, or the reappearance of ancestral features of character -- that there was a time when 9 ft. and 10 ft.<br />

was the average height of humanity, even in our latest Indo-European race.<br />

But as the subject was sufficiently treated elsewhere, we may pass on to the Lemurians and the Atlanteans, and see<br />

what the old Greeks knew of these early races and what the moderns know now.<br />

The great nation mentioned by the Egyptian priests, from which descended the forefathers of the Greeks of the age of<br />

Troy, and which, as averred, had been destroyed by the Atlantic race, was then, as we see, assuredly no race of<br />

Palaeolithic savages. Nevertheless, already in the days of Plato, with the exception of priests and Initiates, no one seems<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* Speaking of the reindeer hunters of Perigord, Joly says of them that "they were of great height, athletic, with a strongly<br />

built skeleton . . ." etc. ("Man before Metals," p. 353).<br />

** "On the shores of the lake of Beauce," says the Abbe Bourgeois, "man lived in the midst of a fauna which completely<br />

disappeared (Aceratherium, Tapir, Mastodon). With the fluviatile sands of Orleanais came the anthropomorphous monkey<br />

(pliopithecus antiquus); therefore, later than man." (See Comptes Rendus of the "Prehistoric Congress" of 1867 at Paris.)<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 750 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

to have preserved any distinct recollection of the preceding races. The earliest Egyptians had been separated from the<br />

latest Atlanteans for ages upon ages; they were themselves descended from an alien race, and had settled in Egypt<br />

some 400,000 years before,* but their Initiates had preserved all the records. Even so late as the time of Herodotus, they<br />

had still in their possession the statues of 341 kings who had reigned over their little Atlanto-Aryan Sub-race (Vide about<br />

the latter "Esoteric Buddhism," p. 66, Fifth Edition.) If one allows only twenty years as an average figure for the reign of<br />

each King, the duration of the Egyptian Empire has to be pushed back, from the day of Herodotus, about 17,000 years.<br />

Bunsen allowed the great Pyramid an antiquity of 20,000 years. More modern archaeologists will not give it more than<br />

5,000, or at the utmost 6,000 years; and generously concede to Thebes with its hundred gates, 7,000 years from the date<br />

of its foundation. And yet there are records which show Egyptian priests -- Initiates -- journeying in a North-Westerly<br />

direction, by land, via what became later the Straits of Gibraltar; turning North and travelling through the future Phoenician<br />

settlements of Southern Gaul; then still further North, until reaching Carnac (Morbihan) they turned to the West again and<br />

arrived, still travelling by land, on the North-Western promontory of the New Continent.**<br />

What was the object of their long journey? And how far back must we place the date of such visits? The archaic records<br />

show the Initiates of the Second Sub-race of the Aryan family moving from one land to the other for the purpose of<br />

supervising the building of menhirs and dolmens, of colossal Zodiacs in stone, and places of sepulchre to serve as<br />

receptables for the ashes of generations to come. When was it? The fact of their crossing from France to Great Britain by<br />

land may give an idea of the date when such a journey could have been performed on terra firma.<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* "In making soundings in the stony soil of the Nile Valley two baked bricks were discovered, one at the depth of 20, the<br />

other at 25 yards. If we estimate the thickness of the annual deposit formed by the river at 8 inches per century (more<br />

careful calculations have shown no more than from three to five per century), we must assign to the first of these bricks<br />

12,000 years, and to the second 14,000 years. By means of analogous calculations, Burmeister supposes 72,000 years<br />

to have elapsed since the first appearance of man on the soil of Egypt, and Draper attributes to the European man, who<br />

witnessed the last glacial epoch, an antiquity of more than 250,000 years." ("Man before Metals," p. 183.) Egyptian<br />

Zodiacs show more than 75,000 years of observation! (See further.) Note well also that Burmeister speaks only of the<br />

Delta population.<br />

** Or on what are now the British Islands, which were not yet detached from the main continent in those days. "The<br />

ancient inhabitant of Picardy could pass into Great Britain without crossing the Channel. The British Isles were united to<br />

Gaul by an isthmus which has since been submerged." ("Man before Metals," p. 184.)<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 751 DARWINIANS REJECT THE TRUTH.<br />

It was --<br />

"When the level of the Baltic and of the North Sea was 400 feet higher than it is now; when the valley of the Somme was<br />

not hollowed to the depth it has now attained; when Sicily was joined to Africa, Barbary to Spain," when "Carthage, the<br />

Pyramids of Egypt, the palaces of Uxmal and Palenque were not in existence, and the bold navigators of Tyre and Sidon,<br />

who at a later date were to undertake their perilous voyages along the coasts of Africa, were yet unborn. What we know<br />

with certainty is that European man was contemporaneous with the extinct species of the quaternary epoch . . . . that he<br />

witnessed the upheaval of the Alps* and the extension of the glaciers, in a word that he lived for thousands of years<br />

before the dawn of the remotest historical traditions . . . . It is even possible that man was the contemporary of extinct<br />

mammalia of species yet more ancient . . . . of the Elephas meridionalis of the sands of St. Prest . . . and the Elephas<br />

antiquus, assumed to be prior to the elephas primigenius, since their bones are found in company with carved flints in<br />

several English caves, associated with those of the Rhinoceros hemitaechus and even of the Machairodus latidens,

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