Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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Darwinism," p. 159.) Apart from such palpable traces of a primeval hermaphroditism, the fact may be noted that, as Laing<br />

writes, "a study of embryology. . . . shows that in the human higher animal species the distinction of sex is not developed<br />

until a considerable progress has been made in the growth of the embryo." ("A Modern Zoroastrian," p.106.) The Law of<br />

Retardation -- operative alike in the case of human races, animal species, etc., when a higher type has once been<br />

evolved -- still preserves hermaphroditism as the reproductive method of the majority of plants and many lower animals.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 173 THE SONS OF KRIYASAKTI.<br />

Kumaras of the Hindu Pantheon and Puranas, those elder sons of Brahma, "Sanandana and the other sons of Vedhas,"<br />

who, previously created by him "without desire or passion, remained chaste, full of holy wisdom and undesirous of<br />

progeny?"*<br />

The power, by which they first created, is just that which has since caused them to be degraded from their high status to<br />

the position of evil spirits, of Satan and his Host, created in their turn by the unclean fancy of exoteric creeds. It was by<br />

Kriyasakti, that mysterious and divine power latent in the will of every man, and which, if not called to life, quickened and<br />

developed by Yogi-training, remains dormant in 999,999 men out of a million, and gets atrophied. This power is explained<br />

in the "Twelve Signs of the Zodiac,"** as follows:--<br />

(b) "Kriyasakti -- the mysterious power of thought which enables it to produce external, perceptible, phenomenal results<br />

by its own inherent energy. The ancients held that any idea will manifest itself externally, if one's attention (and Will) is<br />

deeply concentrated upon it; similarly, an intense volition will be followed by the desired result. A Yogi generally performs<br />

his wonders by means of Itchasakti (Will-power) and Kriyasakti."<br />

The Third Race had thus created the so-called SONS OF WILL AND YOGA, or the "ancestors" (the spiritual forefathers)<br />

of all the subsequent and present Arhats, or Mahatmas, in a truly immaculate way. They were indeed created, not<br />

begotten, as were their brethren of the Fourth Race, who were generated sexually after the separation of sexes, the Fall<br />

of Man. For creation is but the result of will acting on phenomenal matter, the calling forth out of it the primordial divine<br />

Light and eternal Life. They were the "holy seed-grain" of the future Saviours of Humanity.<br />

Here we have to make again a break, in order to explain certain difficult points, of which there are so many. It is almost<br />

impossible to avoid such interruptions. For explanations and a philosophical account of the nature of those beings, which<br />

are now viewed as the "Evil" and rebellious Spirits, the creators by Kriyasakti, the reader is referred to the chapters on<br />

"The Fallen Angels" and "The Mystic Dragons," in Part II. of this Volume.<br />

The order of the evolution of the human Races stands thus in the Fifth Book of the Commentaries, and was already<br />

given:--<br />

The First men were Chhayas (1); the second, the "Sweat-born" (2), the Third, "Egg-born," and the holy Fathers born by<br />

the power of Kriyasakti (3); the Fourth were the children of the Padmapani (Chenresi) (4).<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* See "Vishnu Purana," Book I., ch. 7, para. 1.<br />

** See "Five Years of Theosophy," p. 777.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 174 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

Of course such primeval modes of procreation -- by the evolution of one's image, through drops of perspiration, after that<br />

by Yoga, and then by what people will regard as magic (Kriyasakti) -- are doomed beforehand to be regarded as fairytales.<br />

Nevertheless, beginning with the first and ending with the last, there is really nothing miraculous in them, nor<br />

anything which could not be shown natural. This must be proven.<br />

1. Chhaya-birth, or that primeval mode of sexless procreation, the first Race having oozed out, so to say, from the bodies<br />

of the Pitris, is hinted at in a Cosmic allegory in the Puranas.* It is the beautiful allegory and story of Sanjna, the daughter<br />

of Viswakarman -- married to the Sun, who, "unable to endure the fervours of her lord," gave him her chhaya (shadow,<br />

image, or astral body), while she herself repaired to the jungle to perform religious devotions, or Tapas. The Sun,<br />

supposing the "chhaya" to be his wife begat by her children, like Adam with Lilith -- an ethereal shadow also, as in the<br />

legend, though an actual living female monster millions of years ago.<br />

But, perhaps, this instance proves little except the exuberant fancy of the Puranic authors. We have another proof ready.<br />

If the materialised forms, which are sometimes seen oozing out of the bodies of certain mediums could, instead of<br />

vanishing, be fixed and made solid -- the creation of the first Race would become quite comprehensible. This kind of<br />

procreation cannot fail to be suggestive to the student. Neither the mystery nor the impossibility of such a mode is<br />

certainly any greater -- while it is far more comprehensible to the mind of the true metaphysical thinker - than the mystery<br />

of the conception of the foetus, its gestation and birth as a child, as we now know it.<br />

Now to the curious and little understood corroboration in the Puranas about the "Sweat-born."<br />

2. Kandu is a sage and a Yogi, eminent in holy wisdom and pious austerities, which, finally, awaken the jealousy of the<br />

gods, who are represented in the Hindu Scriptures as being in never-ending strife with the ascetics. Indra, the "King of the<br />

Gods,"** finally sends one of his female Apsarasas to tempt the sage. This is no worse than Jehovah sending Sarah,<br />

Abraham's wife, to tempt Pharaoh; but in truth it is those gods (and god), who are ever trying to disturb ascetics and thus<br />

make them lose the fruit of their austerities, who ought to be regarded as "tempting demons," instead of applying the term<br />

to the Rudras, Kumaras, and Asuras, whose great sanctity and chastity seem a standing reproach to the Don Juanic gods<br />

of the Pantheon. But it is

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