Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* The Darwinian theory has been so strained, that even Huxley was forced at one time to deprecate its occasional<br />

degeneration into "fanaticism." Oscar Schmidt presents a good instance of a thinker who unconsciously exaggerates the<br />

worth of an hypothesis. He admits ("The Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism," p. 158), that "natural selection" "is in some<br />

cases . . . inadequate, . . . in others . . . not requisite, as the solution of the formation of species is found in other natural<br />

conditions." He also asserts the "intermediate grades are . . . wanting, which would entitle us to infer with certainty the<br />

direct transition from unplacental to placental mammals" (p. 271); that "we are referred entirely to conjecture and<br />

inference for the origin of the mammals" (p. 268); and the repeated failures of the framers of "hypothetical pedigrees,"<br />

more especially of Haeckel. Nevertheless he asserts on p. 194, that "what we have gained by the Doctrine of Descent<br />

based on the theory of selection is the KNOWLEDGE of the connection of organisms as 'consanguineous beings.' "<br />

Knowledge in the face of the above-cited concessions, is, then, the synonym for conjecture and theory only?<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 735 CONJECTURES ARE NOT FACTS.<br />

adequate to meet the facts. The line of demarcation between etherospiritual, astral and physical evolution must be drawn.<br />

Perhaps, if Darwinians deigned to consider the possibility of the second process, they would no longer have to lament the<br />

fact that "we are referred to conjecture and inference for the origin of the Mammals"!! (The Doctrine of Descent and<br />

Darwinism, p. 268, by Professor O. Schmidt.) At present the admitted chasm between the systems of reproduction of the<br />

oviparous vertebrates and mammalia, constitutes a hopeless crux to those thinkers who, with the Evolutionists, seek to<br />

link all existing organic forms in a continuous line of descent.<br />

Let us take -- exempli gratia -- the case of the ungulate mammals. "In no other division," it is said, "do we possess such<br />

abundant fossil material." So much progress has been made in this direction, that in some instances the intermediate<br />

links between the modern and Eocene ungulates have been unearthed; a notable example being that of the complete<br />

proof of the derivation of the present one-toed horse from the three-toed Anchitherium of the old Tertiary. This standard of<br />

comparison between Western Biology and the Eastern doctrine could not, therefore, be improved upon. The pedigree<br />

here utilized, as embodying the views of scientists in general, is that of Schmidt based on the exhaustive researches of<br />

Rutimeyer. Its approximate accuracy -- from the standpoint of evolutionism -- leaves little to be desired:--<br />


[[diagram]]<br />

[[text in diagram]]<br />


Hippopotami<br />

Pigs<br />

Tragulidae<br />

Deer<br />

Antelopes<br />

Oxen<br />


Rhinoceruses<br />

Tapirs<br />

Anchitherium<br />

Hipparion<br />

Horse<br />

Maerauchenidae<br />

(EOCENE)<br />

(Tertiary)<br />

(Recent)<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 736 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

The midway point of evolution. Science comes to a standstill. "The root to which these two families lead back IS<br />

UNKNOWN" (Schmidt).<br />

[[diagram]]<br />

[[text in diagram]]<br />

The "ROOT" according to occultism.<br />

II.<br />


One of the Seven primeveal physico-astral and bi-sexual root-types of the Mammalian Kingdom (animal). These were<br />

contemporaries of the early Lemurian races -- the "UNKNOWN ROOTS" of Science.<br />

No. I. represents the realm explored by Western Evolutionists, the area in which climatic influences, "natural selection,"<br />

and all the other physical causes of organic differentiation are present. Biology and palaeontology find their province here<br />

in investigating the many physical agencies which contribute so largely, as shown by Darwin, Spencer and others, to the

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