Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 144 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

identifies "Titea," Noah's consort, with Rhea, the mother of the Titans, and with Ida -- both being goddesses who preside<br />

over the Earth, and the mothers of the Manus and Manes (or Tit-an-Kabiri). And "Titea-Aretia" was worshipped as<br />

Horchia, says the same Berosus, and this is a title of Vesta, goddess of the Earth. "Sicanus deificavit Aretiam, et<br />

nominavit eam lingua Janigena Horchiam." (Ibid. lib. V. fol. 64.)<br />

Scarce an ancient poet of historic or prehistoric days who failed to mention the sinking of the two continents -- often<br />

called isles -- in one form or another. Hence the destruction, besides Atlantis, of the Phlegyae. (See Pausanias and<br />

Nonus, who both tell how:<br />

"From its deep-rooted base the Phlegyan isle<br />

Stern Neptune shook, and plunged beneath the waves<br />

Its impious inhabitants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."<br />

-- Dionysius lib xviii. p. 319).<br />

Faber felt convinced that the "insulae Phlegyae" were Atlantis. But all such allegories are more or less distorted echoes of<br />

the Hindu tradition about that great Cataclysm, which befell the Fourth, really human, though gigantic, Race, the one<br />

which preceded the Aryan. Yet, as just said, like all other legends, that of "the Deluge has more than one meaning. It<br />

refers in Theogony, to pre-cosmic transformations, to spiritual correlations -- however absurd the term may sound to a<br />

scientific ear -- and also to subsequent Cosmogony; to the great FLOOD of WATERS (matter) in CHAOS, awakened and<br />

fructified by those Spirit-Rays which were swamped by, and perished in, the mysterious differentiation -- a pre-cosmic<br />

mystery, the Prologue to the drama of Being. Anu, Bel, and Noah preceded Adam Kadmon, Adam the Red, and Noah;<br />

just as Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva preceded Vaivasvata and the rest." (See "Isis Unveiled.," Vol. II., pp. 420 et seq., where<br />

one or two of the seven meanings are hinted at.)<br />

All this goes to show that the semi-universal deluge known to geology (first glacial period) must have occurred just at the<br />

time allotted to it by the Secret Doctrine: namely, 200,000 years (in round numbers) after the commencement of our<br />

FIFTH RACE, or about the time assigned by Messrs. Croll and Stockwell for the first glacial period: i.e., about 850,000<br />

years ago. Thus, as the latter disturbance is attributed by geologists and astronomers to "an extreme eccentricity of the<br />

Earth's<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

[[Footnote continued from previous page]] Egyptiis vocatur Ertosi (plantare, generare). Significat autem hoc omnis<br />

generis procreationem et vivificationem, omnisque substantiae et materiae naturam et vim ordinantem atque<br />

procreantem." It is Earth as "source of being"; or, as explained by the author of "The Source of Measures," Arts is the<br />

same in Hebrew and Egyptian, and both combine the primeval idea of Earth as source; precisely as in the Hebrew itself,<br />

under another form, Adam and Madim, (Mars) are the same, and combine the idea of Earth with Adam under the form of<br />

H-Adam-H.<br />

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orbit," and as the Secret Doctrine attributes it to the same source, but with the addition of another factor, the shifting of<br />

the Earth's axis -- a proof of which may be found in the Book of Enoch,* if the veiled language of the Puranas is not<br />

understood -- all this should tend to show that the ancients knew something of the "modern discoveries" of Science.<br />

Enoch, when speaking of "the great inclination of the Earth," which "is in travail," is quite significant and clear.<br />

Is not this evident? Nuah is Noah, floating on the waters in his ark; the latter being the emblem of the Argha, or Moon, the<br />

feminine principle; Noah is the "spirit" falling into matter. We find him, as soon as he descends upon the Earth, planting a<br />

vineyard, drinking of the wine, and getting drunk on it, i.e., the pure spirit becomes intoxicated as soon as it is finally<br />

imprisoned in matter. The seventh chapter of Genesis is only another version of the First. Thus, while the latter reads:<br />

"and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters," in ch. 7 it is said<br />

" . . . and the waters prevailed . . . and the ark went (with Noah, the spirit) upon the face of the waters." Thus Noah, if<br />

identical with the Chaldean Nuah, is the spirit vivifying matter, which latter is Chaos, represented by the DEEP, or the<br />

Waters of the Flood. In the Babylonian legend (the pre-cosmical blended with the terrestrial event) it is Ishtar (Astaroth or<br />

Venus, the lunar goddess) who is shut up in the ark and sends out "a dove in search of dry land." ("Isis Unveiled" Vol. II,<br />

pp. 423 and 424).<br />

George Smith notes in the "Tablets," first the creation of the moon, and then that of the sun: "Its beauty and perfection are<br />

extolled, and the regularity of its orbit, which led to its being considered the type of a judge and the regulator of the world."<br />

If this story related simply to a cosmogonical cataclysm -- even were this latter universal -- why should the goddess Ishtar<br />

or Astoreth, the Moon, speak of the creation of the sun after the deluge? The waters might have reached as high as the<br />

mountain of Nizir (Chaldean version), or Jebel Djudi (the deluge mountains of the Arabian legend), or yet Ararat (of the<br />

Biblical narrative), and even the Himalaya (of the Hindu tradition), and yet not reach the sun: the Bible itself stopped short<br />

of such a miracle! It is evident that the deluge of the people who first recorded it had another meaning, less problematical<br />

and far more philosophical than that of an universal deluge, of which there are no geological traces whatever.<br />

As all such Cataclysms are periodical and cyclical, and as Manu Vaivasvata figures as a generic character, under various<br />

circumstances and events (vide infra: "The Seven Manus of Humanity"), there seems to be no<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* Chap. lxiv., Sect. xi.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 146 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.

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